Thanks for visiting Zayix's Fälgorna Archives for Dungeons and Dragons
I sketched the first maps of Fälgorna back in 1978 when my father was stationed in Würzburg, Germany. I'd joined my first Dungeons and Dragons group and I knew from the start that I'd find the most enjoyment as the creator of a world. Fälgorna has continued to grow and mature over the years while dozens of players have led hundreds of characters on their journeys beneath its five moons. My current gaming group has been together for around four years. We try to meet weekly, but alas, the older we get, the harder it is to make the time ...
I hope you enjoy this meager offering,
(Steve Stewart)


Copyright notice and acknowledgments

Some of the material that appears in the monster section are slightly modified versions of monsters copyright by TSR, Inc. Also, some material in the Character Creation section is taken directly from materials copyright by TSR, Inc. This information is used without permission and is intended to be used solely for the purpose of creating characters to be played in the world of Fälgorna.

All other written materials are copyright 1978-2001 by Stephen Stewart. Permission is granted to use this material for any none commercial purpose. Permission to repost electronically or otherwise publish the materials found on this site is not granted without written permission of the author. Send requests to webmaster Zayix .

Your comments and queries are welcome. Please contact me at


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