- Description: Jazst are widely traveled theatrical performers in the Fälgornian
arenas. Jazst are always free and the only gladiatorial combatnats
that travel freely between the arenas of major cities. Jazst are
usually early warm-up acts that amuse the eager crowds.
- As highly skilled arena performers, jazst depend on their hteatrical
ability, coordination, muscle tone and balance, rather than brute
force to win in the arena. Jazst are allowed to choose their specilization
at a very early age and spen years perfecting their skill. In
the early years of prcatice, areas of study may include dancing,
juggling, acrobatics, tumbling and other skills
- Special Requirments: Jazst must have a Strength of 14 or better and a Dexterity of
16 or better and a Charisma of 14 or better in addition to the
Constitution of 15 required of all gladiators.
- Role: Jazst perform individually, in pairs or in a troupe. Next to
reigning local arena champions, jazst are the chief crowd pleasers
in any arena. As the jazst move their graceful bodies about the
arena, they call to the crowd for support and verbally attempt
to excite them. Once a fever pitch is reached, they begin the
more serious business of dispatching their victims with as much
flair as possible. The ore theatrical the kill, the better the
- Weapon Proficiencies: To jazst, arena combat is an art form. They revel in the beauty
of movement. Jazst prefer long, slim, razor-like weapons, and
they carry a lot of them mounted on theri legs and arms.
- Jazst prefer bizarre weapons. The more unique, the better to please
the crowd. However, they are allowed to use any weapons.
- Nonweapon Skills: Bonus skills: Acting, Endurance, Tumbling. Recommended skills: Artistic Ability, Armorer, Dancing, Etiquette, Heat Protection,
Running, Sign Language, Singing, Weapon Improvisation, Weaponsmithing,
Blind Fighting, Disguise, Juggling, Jumping, Musical Instrument,
Tightrope Walking, Ventriliquism.
- Equipment: Jazst msut spend half of their starting funds on costumes and
weapons. Most jazst are vain about their appearance and stop at
nothing to acquire all the accessories for their arena costumes.
- Jazst accentuate their appearances with party-colored clothing
and artistic body paints. Some jazst wear breech cloths and halters
in combination with colorful flowing strands of silk and satin.
These are attached to their sinewy forearms and muscular legs.
The material is attached loosely to break away in the grasp of
an opponents. Other, barely clothed jazst prefer brightly pigmented
body paints to entice or distract an opponents. This unorthodox
approach can fragment an opponent's attention. Lulled into a false
sense of security, the gladiator often attacks his seemingly vulnerable
opponent -- just the opening the jazst waiths for!
- Jazst prefer steel armor, but often decorate it with brightly
colored feathers and scales. A jazst with the Armorer skill can
produce a special set of armor for combat. By honing the edges
of this armor to razor-like sharpness it can be used as a weapon
to cause 1d10 hit points of damage on a successful attack. A jazst
who wears this type of armor and is forced to grapple will cause
his opponent 1d10 hit points of damage automatically each round.
- Special Benefits: When a jazst reaches full proficiency (50% or better) in an art
form such as Dancing, Tumbling or Juggling, he is taught the Principle
of the Razor. The small, slim blade of the razor cuts long and
deep. Wounds made by the razor are difficult to heal and very
painful. This attack can be used over and over again, causing
opponents to lose muscle coordination without killing him outright.
This enables the Jazst to continue his performance for a long
period of time, building the crowd to a frenzy before striking
the death blow. In game terms, this skill allows the jazst to
make a called shot with only a -2 penalty to hit instead of the
normal -4. The penalty for a called shot to the head is also halved,
-4 to hit instead of -8.
- At thrid level, jazst learn The Dance of Whirling Blades. This
deadly dance is a special attack used only by jazst. The attack
is executed with great skill, requiring a round of preparation
as the jazst runs as fast as he can toward his target. The jazst
then leaps into the air spinning toward his intended victim. The
maneuver doubles the jazst's normal attacks in that round. With
each pass, the lithe dancer swirls, cutting the victim with his
razor weapons. The whirling attack of the dancer makes mounting
a defense almost impossible.
- However, this devastating attack has its disadvantages. The dance
lowers a jazst's AC by two points during the round of attack.
The jazst must make a successful Tumbling and Endurance skill
check immediately following the attack. A failed Tumbling check
indicates that the jazst has become dizzy and off balance, falling
to the ground (damaging nothing but his pride). He recovers at
the end of the round, but may take no othe action. A failed Endurance
check means that the jazst is exhausted by the attack and may
take no other actions that round or the next. A jazst must spend
a full round resting before he can attempt this maneuver again.
In any case, the jazst cannot perform this maneuver more than
one time per day per level. The Dance of Whirling Blades is always
a great crowd pleaser.
- Special Hinderances: Jazst are hated by other gladiators, not only because their craft
is so different from the traditional styles, but because most
evil aligned jazst are sinister and bloodthirsty. These evil jesters
display the viciousness of the arena at its worst. They receive
a -6 reaction adjustment when dealing with gladiators who are
not jazst
- Because they are entertainers more than fighters, the jazst gladiator
may have a difficult time against a seasoned professional. Master
jazst have been known to fight arena champions. These rare events
are always on the main bill. Some of these battles have become
legends. Jazst penalize their initiative by +1 when fighting gladiators
who are not jazst.
- Wealth Options: A jazst is never a slave. A jazst that rolls Slave for his initial
Social Class is considered a Commoner.
- Races: A character of any race can become a jazst, but elves, half-elves,
halflings, and kobolds usually make the best jazst.