Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2nd edition: Wizard class: Specialist Wizard

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Specialist Wizard

Ability Requirements: Varies
Prime Requisite: Intelligence
Races Allowed: Varies

Wizards who concentrate their efforts in one school of magic are known as specialist wizards. Generally, a specialist wizard must give up some degree of versatility in spell selection — he cannot learn or cast spells belonging to schools that oppose his own chosen school. The specialist also has several other benefits and restrictions; unless otherwise stated, all specialists must abide by the benefits and hindrances described below:
Specialist wizards may memorize one additional spell per spell level, provided the spell selected belongs to the specialist’s school. Under this rule, a 1st-level specialist may have two spells memorized instead of only one.
Specialists gain a bonus of +1 when making saving throws against spells of their own school. Specialists also inflict a –1 penalty to their victims’ saving throw attempts when casting a spell of their specialty school.
Specialist wizards gain a bonus of +15% when learning spells from their school, but suffer a penalty of –15% when learning spells from any other school. Specialists cannot learn spells belonging to an opposition school.
When a specialist reaches a new level, he automatically gains one spell of his school to add to his spellbook. No roll for learning the spell need be made.
When a specialist wizard attempts to create a new spell through research, the spell is treated as if it were one level lower if it falls within the wizard’s specialty school.


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