- Geometers seek to control magical forces by creating symbols and diagrams of mystical significance. The tools of the geometers trade range from runes drawn on paper or carved in stone to free-floating constructs of energy woven by the somatic gestures of a spell. Naturally, geometers excel in the casting of any spell that involves the drawing of a rune, mark, or diagram. In order to choose this specialty, a wizard must have an Intelligence/Reason of 15 or better and a Wisdom/Intuition of 14 or higher.
- Geometers gain the usual advantages for specialization, but like the alchemist, they gain no modifiers to their saving throws and inflict no saving throw penalties on their targets. Beginning at fourth-level, a geometer may create scrolls by committing a spell he knows to paper. He can cast the spell from the scroll at some later time simply by reading the scroll, which requires one full round; once read, the scroll is consumed and the spell expended. The geometer may not have more than one spell-scroll per character level prepared at any given time, so a sixth-level geometer may have as many as six scrolls ready.
- Transcribing a spell to a scroll requires one full day per spell level; a fifth-level spell requires five days of uninterrupted work. The materials cost 100 gp per spell level, and the wizard needs a suitable laboratory or library to work in. Only spells of the school of geometry can be transcribed to scrolls, but a geometer can engage in spell research to find a diagram for spells outside the school of geometry. In any event, a geometer must succeed in a learn spells check to see if he is successful in scribing the scroll.
- Geometers may also attempt to create various forms of protection scrolls, beginning at seventh-level. The geometer must first research the scrolls diagram through normal spell research. To figure out how much time and money should be spent on researching a particular protection scroll, take a look at its experience point value. Basically, a scrolls effective spell level is determined by dividing the experience point value by 500 and then adding 2 (i.e., Level = XP/500 + 2) For example, if a scroll is worth 500 XP, it is considered a 3rd-level spell (500 divided by 500 equals 1; 1 plus 2 equals 3). The research time is two weeks per effective level, at a cost of 1,000 gp per level; the geometer must pass a learn spells check to successfully research the diagram. Once the geometer knows the diagram, he can produce one scroll by investing in 3d6 x 100 gp worth of materials and spending one uninterrupted week working in his laboratory. Again, a learn spells check applies to see if he executed the diagram correctly.
- Borduns rival Teriaz also wishes to pilfer the dragons hoard, but hes decided to provide his agent with a scroll of protection from dragon breath. This is worth 2,000 XP, so its the equivalent of a sixth-level spell. It will take Teriaz 12 weeks to research the scroll and costs him 6,000 gold pieces. After passing his initial learn spells check and succeeding in his research, Teriaz can produce the scroll with one week of work and an additional 600 gp (the DMs roll of 3d6 x 100 gp) if he succeeds in the final learn spells check. While the dragons hoard has suffered at the hands of the alchemists accomplice, Teriazs champion succeeds in slaying the beast and claiming the rest of the hoard.
- The geometers spells tend to be defensive in nature, since many spells in the school involve drawing or scribing boundaries of some kind. Spells of the school of geometry are considered to have no verbal component. The school of geometry is opposed by the schools of enchantment/charm and illusion.