- Level 1 Rhabdomancy
- Craft Divining Rod (Rhabdomancy, Alteration, Enchantment)
Level: 1
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 hour
Area of Effect: See below
Saving Throw: Special
- The first task a rhabdomancer must undertake in his career is the finding and crafting of a suitable divining rod. A forked branch of hazel or filbert (the woods of choice) must be found. The length of the rod should be 1.5, the whole no thicker than a finger, and the tree it was cut from not more than a year old. Over the next hour as the mage slowly intones the words of the spell, he gently shapes and smooths out the wood with the simplest of tools. At the end of this time, the divining rod is ready to be used. It bears a slight dweomer, as if residual magic is retained by the wood. Of course, the rod can easily be broken, thus sending the rhabdomancer on the search for another sapling.
- At the DMs discretion, certain woods have different effects when crafted into a divining rod. For example, ash has long been held to be associated with storms and lightning, and perhaps a rod fashioned from this wood may be used to predict bad weather. Magical trees may be sought after by adventurous rhabdomancers to give them an edge; in such cases the mage must succeed in a saving throw vs. magic while casting this spell. Failure means that the rod is flawed and useless, while success will impart some measure of the woods magic to the divining rod.
- The rhabdomancy guilds ensure that all apprentice rhabdomancers learn this spell.
Shield Flame (Rhabdomancy, Alteration)
Level: 1
Range: 10 yds.
Components: V
Duration: 1 turn + 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One torch-size flame
Saving Throw: None
- Most miners and cavern explorers consider this simple spell far more important than your average mage. When cast, it protects an open flame from exposure to drafts and volatile gases. For the duration of the spell, nonmagical gusts or breezes are unable to extinguish the torch. Any vapors that would normally explode upon contact with fire (such as black damp or natural gas) have no effect on a shielded flame. Of course, the spell may also be applied above ground to areas too windy to hold a lit torch or candle aloft.