- Level 3 Rhabdomancy
- Lesser Rhabdomancy (Rhabdomancy)
Level: 3
Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn + 2 rounds per level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
- This is a more powerful variant of the greater divining rod spell, one known and practiced only by rhabdomancers in their pursuit of adventure. Where greater divining rod will only dowse for objects and sites, lesser rhabdomancy allows the wizard to divine for creatures, individuals, and locations.
- During the spells casting, the rhabdomancer must decide upon what he is seeking. If he is divining for a certain race or creature, the dowsing rod will point and lead to any such being within range of 20 yards per level.
- An individual or specific place may alternatively be named during the casting. No real range is necessary as the dowsing rod will begin tugging to lead in the direction that person or site can be found; if not reached by the end of the spell the rod becomes still. Note, though, the caster need never have met or seen either the person or location sought. However, the person or place must be referred to by name. Thus, using lesser rhabdomancy to hunt down the captain of the city guard or the nearest armory causes the spell to fail; rather Captain Jenkins or The Shrine of Exegete would lead the wizard onward.
Protection from Glebes (Rhabdomancy, Abjuration)
Level: 3
Range: Special
Components: V, S
Duration: 3 rounds + 1 round per level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
- In the early days of mining, it was discovered that certain creatures that seemed to be made from the earth itself would often attempt to halt any digging. At this time, the elemental theory was not well-known, and such creatures were classified as glebes (from the Old Tongue word for earth). Today, scholars realize that such entities are actually minor earth elementals. But to the ancients, they were a threat that needed to be protected against.
- The first rhabdomancers developed this spell, with its multiple aspects and uses. First and foremost, protection from glebes can be cast to provide a globe of protection 10 feet wide that is centered on the rhabdomancer and moves with him. Any protected individual within this area may break the warding effects by engaging in melee with a glebe. Otherwise, no creature originating from the Elemental Plane of Earth (whether or not this protects against the para- and quasi-elemental planes bordering the Elemental Plane of Earth is unknown) with eight or less Hit Dice can intrude upon the protected area. In addition, any magical or spell effects cast upon those inside the globe by a glebe are saved against with a +3 bonus.
- The second application of this spell is to create a ward that prevents egress. The caster merely draws a line (no more than 10 feet long) before him on the ground and casts the spell. Thereafter, for the duration of the spell, no glebe can cross this line. This includes bypassing it by flight or burrowing.
- Minor protection may also be offered to any item. In such a case, the ward is placed. directly on the object, and any glebe that touches the item suffers 1d6 hp damage plus an amount equal to the casters level, no saving throw allowed.
- A side effect of this spell that latter day rhabdomancers discovered is that individuals so protected receive a +5 bonus on all saves vs. petrification, whether this be from a creatures gaze or by spell.
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