- Level 5 Rhabdomancy
- Greater Rhabdomancy (Rhabdomancy)
Level: 5
Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
- A more potent version of the lesser rhabdomancy spell, this spell allows the wizard to search for a desired physical object, a place, person, creature, magical effect, or an affection or quality not discovered by normal divinatory means. Thus, the rhabdomancer may use his rod and this spell to seek out a silver vein in a mine shaft, ferret out thief in a town, discover the site of a dimensional vortex, or even, find true love. The caster need only hold out his divining rod, mentally picture the desired end of the spell, intone the words, and rotate until he feels the tuggings in the wood that show the direction he must travel to find what is sought.
- Obviously, certain applications of this spell require the forethought and attention of the DM. Due to this, and the fact that greater rhabdomancy is infallible unless disturbed or dispelled by other magic, the duration of the spell can be as long as the DM feels necessary. While the desired end may be found, the hunt may take far longer than the wizard wishes or can handle. But many an adventure has occurred along the trail to whatever is being sought.
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