
Rulers: Duke Senchal Nartwin (Fighter 12); Lord Telvin Nartwin (Fighter 8); Elia Fyrwyn (Elfin Priestess of Sehanine15)Bildin Willow (Halfling Fighter 8); Fultor Torgson (Dwarf Fighter 12); Girigis Gruunther (Gnome Illusionist/Fighter 16/15)
Capital: Kelfin (31,000); Major Cities: Nilis (18,000); Pines (17,000); Tuvelton (5,500); Darinholt (2,000); Human population: 60,000; Demi-humans: (270,000): Elves (60,000); Halflings (110,000); Gnomes (40,000); Dwarves (30,000), all others (30,000); Humanoids: few
Resources: Wine, Melony, Foodstuffs, Fish, Silver, Iron.
To the north of the Empire the semi-autonomous Province of Arken provides a refuge to the demihuman population persecuted by the sorcerer-king. Fully 80 percent of the the 300,000 inhabitants of the province are demihumans living in squalid conditions under human and humanoid rule. Though demihumans living in the province are safe from summary arrest and execution, their life in Arken is far from ideal.
Arken contains few natural resources and the people who live there depend on importation of many basic items. Demihumans as a class are legally regulated to the status of second class citizens, but have more rights than in the Empire. They may practice their religions freely and may own land. However, inheritance of land and property is only allowed if a will is approved by the state prior to the death of the owner.
Lord Senchal Nartwin, the ruler of the province, is a kind hearted man who wishes to save as many of the demihumans from the persecution of the sorcerer-king as possible. However, his hands are tied by the overwhelming force Ceta-Tha could bring to bear on the province if he should decide Lord Nartwin had become too kind in his treatment of the demihumans. Thus, on the surface he must appear harsh which he does admirably. Yet, few demihumans have died under his rule.
Over the years, thousands of demihumans have been smuggled out of the province a violation of imperial edict to be reunited with their people in other lands. Lord Nartwin does this at great risk to himself, and only his closest advisors and family know of his illicit activities.
Unknown to Lord Nartwin, his son, Telvin Nartwin has conspired with the sorcerer-king and revealed his fatherÕs illegal activities. Telvin has learned to despise the demihumans and hates them with a passion nearly as strong as that of the sorcerer-king himself. The sorcerer-king has promised him additional lands and wealth for his aid in deposing his father and the wheels are in motion that will eventually result in a conflict.
The sorcerer-king for his part laughs privately at the evil he has sown. His plan has always been to lure the demihumans into a false sense of security so that his troops can storm in and destroy them all in one location.
The demihumans, however, have plans of their own. While many of them originate from different families, clans and tribes they have organized themselves into a loose confederation led by four members of the most populous races. Elia Fyrwyn, a 15th-level elfin priestess of Sehanine; Bildin Willow, an 8th-level halfling fighter; Fultor Torgson, a 12th-level dwarf fighter; and Girigis Gruunther, a 16th/15th level gnomish illusionist/fighter; lead the demihuman council.
Publicly the council's goals are to improve life for demihumans living in Arken. But, secretly they are carrying out an illegal plan of stockpiling and forging weapons and armor to be used in the event that the Empire attacks. They are aware of Duke Nartwin's true nature, but are also aware of his son's hatred of their kind. Rebellion is not in their plan, but should Duke Nartwin fall from power they are ready.
The human forces of Arken are hardly capable of putting down a demihuman rebellion, let alone repelling the legions of the Empire. However, the Duke's forces are well trained and would be able to put up at least a respectable defense. The forces of the Duke and his feudal underlings consist of 1,200 heavy cavalry; 2,400 light cavalry; 1,200 archers and 6,000 mixed infantry. The Province also supports a navy of 24 warships and 20 galleys.
Arken is perhaps best known for its quality wine and melony which are produced in the hills of the province. A few prosperous silver and iron mines also produce ore in large enough quanities for export. Other exports include grain and fish, especially cod.