

Rulers: King Harold IV Haroldson, Ruler of Orange, Protector of the Shire
of Meyrrl (Cavalier/12); Prince Nathan Haroldson (1st son) (Paladin
of Erus/14); Prince Henry Haroldson (2nd son) (Cavalier/4); Prince
James Haroldson (3rd son); Duke Leto Sardosia (Cavalier/18); Lord
Melwin Shilow, Royal Court Wizard (mage/15); Bishop Carin Kelson
(Priest of Erus/14)
Capital: Hanstead (45,000); Major Settlements: Port Arthur (65,000), Carlye (50,000), Nesford (20,000), Fleming
(12,000), Neese (7,000), Gathenburk (4,200), Sil (2,000)
Human Pop.: 3,500,000+; Demihumans: Halflings (Shire of Meyrrl, 40,000), Gnomes (5,000), Dwarves
(Gabilgathol: 1,500+), some elves and others; Humanoids: Orcs (Ruinous Renegades: 2,000+; Grinning Skull: 1,200+), Hobgoblins
(Eeverquwill: 1,000+), some others
Resources: livestock, wool, textiles, grain, beer, fish
- Most of the people of Orange farm the land or raise livestock
on the fertile plains of the feudal demesnes of the king's 22
noble high lords and their vassals.
The people of Orange lead a simple agricultural life and the cities serve as clearing house for the agricultural products raised in the countryside. The land yields a variety of agricultural products, but grain such as oats, barley, hops, and corn dominate its crop exports. Animal husbandry in cattle and sheep also generates substantial profits for the people of Orange. Citizens from coastal villages make their living by harvesting the riches of the sea. A variety of fish, crab, clams, whale and other sea creatures are abundant.
Nearly every noble manor, village, town and city supports a brewery. Orangemen brew their beers with great pride. Each brewery claiming its beer to be the best. Communities often meet in friendly rivalry at beer festivals where outside judges vote on the best beers. Once a year brewers from throughout the kingdom congregate in Hanstead for the National Beer Festival to sample each others brews and compete for the honor of having their beer picked to supply the royal house during the upcoming year. Orange beer is recognized throughout the continent as being the best available.
The cities and towns of Orange not only serve as agricultural markets, but as centers for the kingdom's woolen textile industry. Here bolts of wool and finished garments are made in mass quantities for export.
The king's cousin, the Duke of Sardosia rules Port Arthur, the kingdom's largest port. As lord of this town he wields great power and influence among the king's high lords. Nearly 60 percent of the kingdom's wool leaves country through this port.
Approximately 40,000 halflings live in the semi-autonomous Shire of Meyrrl located at the northern tip of the kingdom. Their leader, Mayor Bibwin Harthfloweer, has sworn an oath of mutual friendship with the king. Meyrrl uses Orange currency and follows Orange laws, but maintains the right to pass its own laws and maintain its own armies. The shire provides the king with a contingent of halfling slingers.
Despite the continuous onslaught of attacking humanoids from the Kingdom of Ravencraft to the west and the perpetual hostility of the Ishmac holy warriors, Orange has managed through expert strategy and force of arms to maintain both its cultural and religious integrity. The armies of Orange have not relinquished a single foot of land to invading armies in the past 30 years, 27 of which the kingdom was involved in war. As a result the Orangemen armies contain many seasoned veterans.
The armies of the King of Orange and his vassals consist of 12,000 heavy cavalry, 12,000 light cavalry, 42,000 heavy infantry, 18,000 light infantry, and 6,000 artillerists. The Shire of Meyrrl provides a cohort of 600 halfling slingers to the royal armies. The shire also maintains a defensive force of 600 halfling troops within its boundaries. Approximately two cohorts (600 troops) in ten are veterans (Ftr/1).
An elite military order known as the Knights of Orange also participates in the defense of the kingdom. This religious order dedicated to the god Erus number approximately 500 paladins and cavaliers of level 2-12. Prince Nathan Haroldson leads them.
The navy of the King of Orange and his vassals includes 178 warships, 45 small galleys and 106 large galleys. The Duke of Sardosia leads the navy as admiral.

- copper farthing = 1 copper piece
- silver penny = 1 silver piece
- electrum sword = 1 electrum piece
- gold crown = 1 gold piece
- platinum crown = 5 gold pieces
- gold sovereign = 10 gold pieces
- platinum sovereign = 20 gold pieces