

Rulers: His Royal Highness, the Rider King Dane Havenhand (Cavalier/9);
Prince Corigon Havenhand (1st son) (Knight of Mare/8); Prince
Zebrick Havenhand (2nd son) (Wizard/4); Prince Bradwin Havenhand
(3rd son) (Cavalier/2); Baron Fidel Chaucer (Cavalier/15)
Capital: Goldmare (27,500); Major Cities: Ironhorse (12,000), Helm (10,000), Redlance (2,000), Baleford
(2,000), Rightrock (1,500), Bath (1,000)
Human Pop.: 1,400,000+; Demihumans: Halflings (3,000), Dwarves (1,000), Gnomes, others; Humanoids: Orcs (Grinning Skull: 40,000+), Hobgoblins (Carnal: 15,000+)
Resources: Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Iron, Beer
Few creatures speak without respect for the riding prowess of the citizens of Pel. This kingdom of rolling planes and sparse forests boasts the finest bred horses in the known world. Merchants the world over know of the pride and expertise that goes into horse breeding in this sprawling feudal kingdom. Most Pelins saddle their first horse before they are old enough to walk and this inbred talent shows in the quality of the Pelin cavalry.
Most of the population of Pel dwells in small farming communities centered around strongholds that dot the Plains of Pel. The few cities that exist are small by most standards and serve primarily as staging grounds for the export of livestock, mostly horses, but also cattle and sheep. Earthen walls protect most cities because of the lack of a good supply of stone within a reasonable distance. Wooden buildings pervade in most population centers and few stone constructions exist.
The western portion of Pel cuts into mountainous regions and this area provides the kingdom with most of its lumber and limited mining resources. Strong guards protect the mines of Pel from would be conquerors. Many of the most powerful barons of the kingdom live in this area.
The common citizens of Pel revere the Rider King with almost fanatical loyalty. This is not the case with some of his more powerful barons who would gladly pursue a chance to depose him and rule in Goldmare in his stead. Were it not for the popular support and the support of many lesser nobles and a few greater nobles enjoyed by the Rider King his thrown would be forfeit.
Pel plays an important role in the cultural identity of Fälgorna. Many consider this kingdom to be the boundary between the monotheistic culture of the southern Ishmac lands and the polytheistic northern lands. Pel plays an important defensive role in the protection of the north. In the past 500 years the Riders of Pel have repelled no less than 94 invasionary forces of holy warriors from the south.
The people of Pel venerate the god Hevron above all others. Most religions are tolerated in the kingdom, even evil ones. The only exception, Ishmac, has been outlawed by royal edict.
The armies of Pel consist of approximately 25,000 cavalry and 12,000 infantry. In times of extreme need nearly twice this number can be raised within a month. A chivalric order dedicated to the god Hevron, the Knights of Mare, who number around 400, will also aid in the defense of the kingdom.