All paladins, despite their alignment, must have minimum ability
scores of Strength 12, Constitution 9, Wisdom 13 and Charisma
17. Strength and Charisma are the prime requisites of a paladin
of any alignment, and a paladin who has scores of 16 or higher
in both of these abilites earns a 10 percent bonus to experience.
A paladin must choose an alignment at first level and must always
maintain the values of that alignment. A paladin that deliberately
or unintentionally changes alignment loses all of his special
powers, sometimes temporarily and sometimes permanently. A paladin
can use any weapons and armor, but will favor the arms and armor
used by his or her patron diety or pantheon.
Firmness in alignment drives and nourishes the paladin. A paladin
who knowingly peforms an act which minorly deviates from his alignment
(deviation of one step, i.e. a chaotic neutral paladin performing
a good or evil act) must seek out a priest of his alignment (of
at least 7th level), confess his sin, and do penance for it
as proscribed. A paladin who performs an act which majorly deviates
from his alignment (deviation of two steps, i.e. a neutral paladin
performing a lawful good act) immediately looses his paladin status
and forever becomes a fighter as described in the Players Handbook, pg. 27. A paladin who commits an act that deviates by more than
two steps from his alignment while enchanted or under magical
influence looses his status until he atones as described in the
Players Handbook.
All paladins have the following special benefits: +2 bonus to
all saving throws, the ability to project a circle of power when
using a holy sword, the ability to call for a special mount upon
reaching fourth level, and the ability to cast priest spells at
ninth level.