Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Wizard class: Specialists in Schools of Thaumaturgy

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Specialists in Schools of Thaumaturgy

While the schools of effect and the schools of philosophy differ in the way in which spells are assigned to the various schools, the schools of thaumaturgy represent an entirely different way of thinking. The thaumaturgical schools discard the normal methods and mechanics of wizard magic to concentrate on new ways of summoning and controlling magical power. In this scheme of magic, spells are organized by method of casting, not effect or method of operation.
Since the schools of thaumaturgy represent a more radical departure from the normal scheme of magic, the benefits and disadvantages of specialization vary from school to school. In addition, the thaumaturgical specialists generally have high ability score requirements, as shown in Table 3.4.8: Thaumaturgical Specialist Requirements.
Table 3.4.8: Thaumaturgical Specialist Requirements
Specialist Race Abilities Opposition School(s)
Alchemist H Int/Knowledge 15, Dex/Aim 14 Illusion, Necromancy
Artificer H, G Int 12, Con 15 Ench./Charm, Necro.
Geometer H, E 1/2E Int 15, Wis 14 Ench./Charm, Illusion
Song Mage H, E, 1/2E Int 14, Cha 15 Necro., Div., Invoc./Evoc.
Wild Mage H, E, 1/2E Int 16 none

H: Human; E: Elf; 1/2E: Half-elf; G: Gnome


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