![border](../../../Media/basics/bannertest2.gif) |
The Arrakian people dwell primarily in the northwestern quarter of Fälgorna. Arrakians have high cheekbones and a hardy stature. Their skin color ranges from pale to ruddy caucasian. Blond and red are the most common hair colors among Arrakians. Eye colors range from blue, the most common, to brown or gold.
![Arrakian warlord](../../../Media/races/arrakianwarlord.jpg) |
Arrakian Warlord
Arrakians have strong clan ties. Every Arrakian character belongs to a hereditary clan with its own unique tartan (plaid pattern), coat-of-arms and customs. Those whose social class is noble or gentry share the same last name as the clan to which they belong. Merchants and commoners will often belong to a sept or family that owes allegiance to a particular clan. Each sept will also have its own tartan that incorporates some portion of the clan tartan in its pattern. The sept may or may not have its own coat-of-arms, and will likely share the same customs as its clan. A merchant or commoner who does not belong to a sept will usually wear a district tartan, a plaid garment not associated directly with any clan, but common to a particular region. District tartans are usually worn by townsmen, while country dwellers usually belong to a sept.
A character with a social class of slave should roll again on the Social Class Table to determine his social status before enslavement. The character has a 50 percent chance to be born into slavery, and in this case will not know his clan's history. However, others of his clan may be searching for his kidnapped parents. If they are able to track them successfully, upon regaining his freedom the character will be entitled to all the rights and benefits of clan membership. A character who was captured after infancy will always know his clan or sept membership.
The clan relationship holds great importance in Arrakian tradition. One of the greatest crimes a clansman can commit is to shed the blood of another clansman or a that of a member of an allied sept. In kingdoms where many Arrakians live, clan law is often the law of the land and is almost always administered by the Ceann Mor (clan chief) or for lesser crimes by a sept chieftain. The gilfine, a council of nine ruling members of a clan, rules on serious crimes such as treason.The king of an Arrakian kingdom is known as a righ. The righ heads a clan elected by the other clans of a kingdom to rule over them. This reign is hereditary, but not absolute. An incompetent ruler can be deposed by the clans ruled through a two-thirds majority vote of the clan chiefs. The rule of each clan and sept, including the righ's, does not pass automatically to the first born (even though this is often the case). The clan chief has the option of picking any of his clansmen, male or female, to rule upon his death. In this way an incompetent ruler seldom holds power.
In general, members of the same clan and its septs will offer shelter and assistance to each other. They will never attack each other with lethal intent without great cause, and will go to great ends to avenge the death of a fellow clansman. Feuds among clans often last for years, because of this members of the same clan as a character react to him with a +3 modifier if his clan affiliation is known.
Characters not born into a clan or sept (even non-Arrakians and nonhumans) may fall under their protection and gain all the benefits of clan membership by swearing an oath of fealty to the clan. These low-born individuals are known as broken men and their oath also binds their progeny to the clan.
Arrakians are known for their stern, matter-of-fact temperaments, short tempers and high ideals of honor. Arrakian clan unity and pride often play a vital role in local politics. Arrakians receive a +1 bonus to Charisma.
Arrakians are superior weapon and armor smiths, as the inventors of the chariot many Arrakians also have superior skill at charioteering. Arrakian farmers developed methods that allow their farms to produce bountiful harvests not matched by other subraces. Because of the centrality of the clan in Arrakian culture, representatives of this nation receive bonuses to several nonweapon skills loosely related to clan life.