- Uldras dwell in the boreal forests (taiga) and tundra of Fälgorna's
colder, subarctic regions and in caverns hollowed out of glaciers.
They seldom travel to the more populated warmer regions to the
west and south.
Uldra druid
- The whitish-yellow complexion of the uldra has little real color
a trait also scene in their snow white hair and pale gray eyes.
These physical traits combined with their usually drab gray or
white clothing provide an excellent camouflage when on snowy plains
and ice covered waters. Uldra operating in snowy or icy terrain
and traveling alone or with a group consisting entirely of uldra
cause an opponent's chance for surprise to be penalized by -4.
- The extreme environment in which the uldra live give them natural
resistance to cold. They remain comfortable without additional
protection in temperatures as low as -25° F, and receive a +2
bonus to saving throws verses all cold-based attacks. However,
in warm environments they do not fair as well. An uldra will begin
to feel discomfort when the temperature rise above 65° F, and
receive a -2 penalty to saving throws verses heat and fire. Temperatures
above 85° F cause an uldra to receive a -1 penalty on all to hit
rolls and ability-based checks, and a -5% penalty to all nonweapon
skill checks.
- Uldra share close blood ties with dwarves and gnomes. Like dwarves
and gnomes, uldra generally live in clans, the average comprised
of about 200 individuals. However, the constraints of the environment
in which they live have prevented the formation of the large clans
known among the dwarves and even the largest uldra clans are too
numerous to list.
- They share some of the personality traits of their dwarf and gnome
cousins, although uldra tend to be more cheerful than dwarves
and less optimistic than gnomes. Uldra enjoy eating, drinking,
and telling stories around campfires--especially if they are about
their patron deity, Aslak. They view dwarves and gnomes as brothers,
and are on friendly terms with both races. They love precious
metals and gems, and are consequently excellent miners and gem
cutters. They are also good woodworkers.
- Like their cousins, uldra have a high resistance to magic and
poison. For every 3.5 points of Constitution an uldra gains a
+1 bonus to saving throws verses wands, staves, rods, spells,
and poison. Also, magic items not specifically suited to their
class have a 20% chance to malfunction when first used.
Table 2.10: Constitution saving throw bonuses
- Uldra receive 240 skill points which may be divided among the
following racial detection skills: detect grade or slopes in passages;
detect unsafe walls ceilings and floors; detect stonework traps,
pits and falling blocks; and detect approximate depth underground
(see racial skill in Chapter 5).
- They also share the longevity of their cousins, living on the
average close to 900 years. However, their superior 120' infravision
and hearing (25% base chance to hear noise) gives them an advantage
over their more earthy cousins.
- Uldra will also share their campfires with elves, with whom a
mutual love of nature builds a common bond despite the uldra's
general dislike of their free-spirited and undisciplined character.
They respect elfin courage, a trait they value in themselves,
and like their memory for foes, they never forget proven friends.
They particularly despise kobolds, an ancient enemy that they
will go out of their way to destroy. An uldra can begin play knowing
the languages of elves, kobolds, Furchin Halflings, dwarves and
gnomes. Due to their isolation from most of civilization, few
uldra speak the Trade Tongue. An uldra does not receive the usual
bonus to this skill but may expend skill points at first level
(or later) to learn it normally.
- Their love of nature gives the uldra a strong empathy for wild
animals and many can speak their language. An uldra can begin
play with the ability to speak to normal animals (and their giant-sized
counterparts) at the cost of one language slot. They can also
automatically identify plants, animals, and pure water. Their
skill in natural surroundings allows them to pass through overgrown
areas and snow covered areas without leaving a discernible trail
(-50% on all tracking attempts) when they travel alone or with
a group consisting entirely of uldra.
- Uldras gain a +1 bonus to Dexterity and Constitution and receive
a -1 penalty to Charisma.