
- For as long as mortals can remember, Deep Dwarves have lived far beneath the surface.
- Deep Dwarves average a little over 4' in height and weigh about 120 pounds. They are large-boned, but leaner than other dwarves. Their skin varies from pale brown to light tan, and often carries a reddish tinge.
Deep Dwarf far from home
Their eyes are large, but without the sheen of their surface cousins -- in color, a washed-out blue. Hair colors range from flame red to straw blond. The females wear their beards long, unlike other dwarven women (who are typically clean shaven).
- Deep Dwarves have little or no contact with the surface. It is too far for them to travel to the world above. They are generally on friendly terms with Hill and Mountain Dwarves but despise Duergar.
- Frequently Neutral, Lawful Good or Lawful Neutral in alignment, player character Deep Dwarves may be of any alignment. Deep Dwarves are just as conservative as their Hill and Mountain Dwarf cousins and consider their subrace to be the last surviving bastion of "true" dwarven culture.
- Deep Dwarves speak their own dialect of the Dwarven language and Common Dwarf as native tongues when they begin play. While a Deep Dwarf does not automatically gain skill in the Trade Tongue, they speak Undercommon as well as a surface dweller speaks the Trade Tongue (recommended skill). Deep Dwarf characters may also spend skill points at first level to learn the Trade Tongue, the languages of any other dwarven subrace, Drow, Illithid, Kuo-toa, Troll, Troglodyte, Svirfneblin, and Sign Language.
- Deep Dwarves have superior resistance against magical attacks and toxins. A Deep Dwarf receives +1 bonus to saving throws versus these forms of attacks in addition to the saving throw bonuses received by dwarves in general. Deep Dwarves have the special disadvantage of being sensitive to bright light. In bright sunlight or within the radius of a continual light spell, a Deep Dwarf suffers a -1 penalty to hit. Light spells have no adverse effect on the Deep Dwarf. Deep Dwarves have 90' infravision.
- Contrary to the text in the Complete Book of Dwarves, Deep Dwarves have no experience point penalty and advance in level normally.
- Deep Dwarves have an average life expectancy of 380 years.