- The cursed race of the Drow where once part of the community of elves that still roam Fälgorna's surface. Now these dark elves inhabit black caves and winding tunnels under the earth, where they make dire plans against the races that still walk beneath the sun. In general, the Drow are evil and hateful, bearing only ill will for the surface dwellers. However, some few Drow rebel against their culture and long for a life on the green surface, away from the
Drow matriarch and high priestess of Lolth
depredations of their society. These rebellious Drow are the ones most commonly used as player characters. However, players are not limited to playing good Drow; Drow PCs may be of any alignment.
- Drow have black skin and pale, usually white hair. They are shorter and more slender than humans, seldom reaching more than 5' in height. Male Drow weigh between 80 and 110 pounds, and females between 95 and 120 pounds. Drow have finely chiseled features, and their fingers and toes are long and delicate.
- Drow culture and psychology are described in detail in The Drow of the Underdark accessory. However, it is assumed that Drow PCs no longer have access to the special weapons and equipment of their culture. Drow PCs are assumed to be unable to return to their homelands at the present time. A Drow might be banished from her homeland, on a special quest, or the last surviving member of a noble house. The possibilities are many, but until a Drow PC reaches at least 4th level she will be unable to gain access to any special Drow equipment. After reaching 4th level, some equipment may be made available at the DM's discretion.
- In addition, the following characteristics apply to all Drow characters.
- Drow expect attack. The nature of their society makes this trait a necessity for survival. In game terms this translates to a +2 bonus to all surprise rolls.
- Drow do not gain the combat bonuses that other elfin subraces receive with swords and bows. Instead they gain a bonus style specialization in two-weapon fighting style.
- A Drow female moves very quickly, base MV 15. Males move at MV 12. They also have superior, 90' infravision.
- Drow receive 180 skill points that may be spent on the following racial detection skills: Detect New Construction Underground, Detect Stone Work Traps/Sliding Walls, and Detect Depth Underground.
- They receive Local Drow history and Heraldry (but only with regard to underground races) as bonus nonweapon skills. All Drow also include Underground Survival, Spellcraft, Religion, Underground Signaling and Trail Marking on their list of recommended skills.
- Drow speak their own language and may use Sign Language as native tongues. They also speak the Common Elfin tongue, but are not as proficient in its use as other elfin subraces and their skill in its use at first level is equal to that of a recommended skill (they need not spend skill slots to learn it). Drow do not start play knowing how to speak the Trade Tongue, but speak Undercommon as a recommended skill. Drow may also spend skill slots to learn the languages of any other elfin subrace, Duergar, Svirfneblin, Deep Dwarf, Illithid, Kuo-toa, Bugbear and Orc.
- Once per day all Drow can use the spells dancing lights, faerie fire and darkness as innate abilities. Any Drow of 4th level or higher can cast levitate, know alignment, and detect magic once per day as an innate ability provided they can find a Drow mentor to teach them the art.
- In addition to the innate abilities available to all Drow, priests and priestesses (of any Drow deity) gain additional spell-like innate abilities through divine favor as they advance in level. These powers include clairvoyance, detect lie, suggestion, dispel magic, detect undead, ESP (other Drow only, 20-feet maximum range), and invisibility to undead. A Drow priest or priestess has a 10% chance per level to gain one of the above powers. When a Drow priest or priestess advances to a new level they also have a 20% for each divinely granted power they possess to improve it by adding one use per day. All divinely granted powers may only be used once per day when initially granted. For example, a second-level Drow priestess who already possesses dispel magic as an innate ability would have a 30% chance to gain a new power upon reaching third level and a 20% chance to increase the number of times each day she can use her dispel magic ability.
- Drow with a Social Rank of noble have an increased ability to use their innate abilities. An additional daily use of each innate ability is granted at the end of each decade of life. Drow of social ranks other than noble do not gain this ability. Drow of all social ranks are able to use their powers more effectively as they increase in level as detailed in The Drow of the Underdark, pgs. 6-8.
- A noble Drow with an Intelligence of 16 or higher and of at least sixth level may use an innate ability and cast a spell or use two innate abilities in a single round (cf. The Drow of Underdark, pg. 8).

- At the start, Drow are 50% magic resistant, and every level they rise increases the resistance by 2% (to a maximum of 80%). Multi-classed Drow use the higher level to determine this bonus. Drow magic resistance is tied to the special magical radiation's of their Everdark homeland and after spending two weeks away from their homeland this resistance begins to fade at the rate of 2% per day. Resistance may be regained at the rate of 2% per day spent in their homeland (at the DM's discretion). Drow magic resistance does not hamper their ability to use magic themselves or to receive beneficial magical effects (magic resistance can be ignored by act of will).
- In addition to their high magic resistance, Drow also receive a +2 bonus on all saves involving magic. This includes those devices that emit magical effects or are powered by magic.
- Drow also have several disadvantages. The major disadvantage of the Drow is their inability to see in bright light. Any light greater than that of torches, the light created by a continual light spell or sunlight will blind them and severely affect their ability to fight. Faint light, like that created by a light spell, does not trigger this disadvantage.
- Bright light causes the Drow to suffer, temporarily, -2 to Dexterity. Attack rolls are made at a -2 penalty, and opponents gain a +2 bonus to saving throws vs. Drow spells that require the caster to see the target. When Drow are in darkness and their opponents are in the light, the Drow retain their Dexterity and surprise advantages, but opponents still receive saving throw bonuses vs. Drow spells and the Drow still suffer a penalty on attack rolls.
- Finally, all other elves hate the Drow, and reactions to them are with at least a -4 penalty. This modifier is cumulative with any applicable kit, class or situational modifiers. Only after a particular elf comes to accept a particular Drow as a friend does this penalty disappear.
- Drow males of other than noble social rank must earn 20 percent more experience points to advance in level. Drow females (who are not nobles) and male nobles and priests must earn 25 percent more experience points to advance a level. Female nobles and priests must earn 30 percent more experience points to advance a level.
- Drow receive a +2 bonus to Dexterity and a +1 bonus to Intelligence and Ego. Their Charisma is penalized by -2 (with regard to non-Drow) and their Constitution is penalized by -1. Frequent exposure to outer planar beings and the chaotic influence of their society adversely effects their Sanity. Drow are penalized by -15% to Sanity.