Elberethi warrior
- The Elberethi have a close relationship with nature. They depend on the land and live in harmony with the environment. The initiation ritual which brings young Elberethi into the adult ranks of the tribe begins with the words: "We are the land and the land lives in us." These words perhaps best sum up the Elberethi philosophy of life.
- Elberethi elves have dark complexions with brown or honey blonde hair. Their eyes are usually brown or gray and their infravision has a range of 60'. Elberethi dress in deer skins and moccasins, they often wear feathers in their hair and decorate their faces with "war paint" in battle. Elberethi elves live to an average age of 1,700
- The Elberethi live in deep woodland areas, especially the Dark Forest. They are uncomfortable in open areas such as plains and prefer the forest to large settlements and cities. A typical Elberethi settlement is organized tribally, with the important decisions made by a council of the eldest elves, both male and female, of the tribe. They live in carefully conserved groves of ancient trees often surrounded by a carefully cultivated wall of brambles or thorns. Only those of the tribe know the secret route through the barrier wall. They make their homes high in the branches of the trees. Unlike the structures of other races the homes of the Elberethi are carefully grown and nurtured into the shapes that form their homes.
- The Elberethi have mastered the art of healing. They are often called the "healer elves" by humans. They receive bonus nonweapon skills of Healing and Herbalism to reflect their mastery of herb lore and healing techniques. In their home environment their knowledge of the healing benefits of herbs and other natural compounds allows them a +10% bonus on their skill checks and a +1 bonus to hit points healed when using these skills. They can also identify plants and animals native to their homeland with a 90% chance of success. Outside their homeland this chance is reduced to 30%. Elberethi are in tune with the rhythms of nature and because of this they have the innate ability to magically heal (as a cure light wounds spell) 1d4 hit points on themselves or another creature once a day per five experience levels.
- Elberethi do not have the normal the elfin ability to find secret or concealed doors, but have a chance equal to that chance to find woodland traps and pits.
- Elberethi are experts with the bow and spear and receive a +1 bonus to hit when using these weapons. However, they do not receive the normal elfin bonus when using long and short swords.
- Elberethi elves may spend skill points at first level to learn the languages of Orcs, Goblins, Centaurs, Nixies, Pixies, Bugbears, natural woodland creatures, and giant eagles (which they often use as steeds).
- Due to their focus on the world around them and their constant quest to understand their place in it, Elberethi elves gain a +2 bonus to Wisdom and +1 to Observation. Elberethi are more frail than their cousins and they receive a penalty of -2 to Strength and -1 to Constitution.
- Elberethi elves must earn an additional ten percent experience points to advance in level.