Hill dwarf giant-killer
- Averaging 4' in height, and weighing 130 to 170 pounds, dwarves
tend to be stocky and muscular. They have ruddy cheeks and bright
eyes. Their skin is typically deep tan or light brown. Their hair
is usually black, gray or brown, and worn long, though not long
enough to impair vision in any way. They favor long beards and
mustaches, too. Dwarves value their beards highly and tend to
groom them very carefully. Dwarves do not favor ornate styles
or wrappings for their hair or their beards.
- Hill Dwarves are the most common dwarves. They have adapted well
to life above and below ground. They claim that they have always
lived in the hills, but they may have migrated there either by
traveling above ground or via underground passages. If by surface
travel, they are probably descended from mountain dwarves.
- The alignment of a Hill Dwarf is usually Lawful Good, but there
is no reason they cannot be of another alignment.
- Hill Dwarves begin play with the ability to speak their own language
and Dwarf Common as native tongues. They may learn the Trade Tongue
normally, and may expend skill points at first level to learn
the languages of gnomes, goblins, kobold and orcs.
- Hill Dwarves have 60' infravision and have no special advantages
or disadvantages in addition to those shared by all dwarves.
- Hill Dwarves have an average life expectancy of 350 years.