4.5 Special Abilities
- In Fälgorna there are no artificial level limitations for non-human
races. This may seem to put humans at a severe disadvantage when
compared with members of other races who possess myriad special
racial abilities.
- On the contrary, humans are the only PC race that can exceed 18
in all of the ability scores. Humans also find greater general
acceptance in the world because the majority of the population
is human (woe to the orc trying to by a drink in the local tavern
or the light-fingered Variquesti found prowling the streets of
a human city after dark). The various human nations gain a few
racial abilities as detailed in Chapter 2. In addition, humans are the only race that may choose to become
a dual classed character, but this is countered to some degree,
possibly surpassed by the non-human ability to become mult-classed.
- Despite these benefits, the human advantages pale in significance
when compaired to the dwarven resistance to poison or the elfin
ability to resist sleep and charm spells. To help balance humans
as a viable character race, all human (and muls who favor their
human side) PCs gain a special ability unique to their character
class determined by rolling on the tables following.
- It should be noted that not all humans have a special ability.
Butchers, bakers, and candlestick makers are very unlikely to
have a special ability. Usually only humans with a character class
will have a special ability, but a few especially talented bakers
and barbers do roam the world. Perhaps they are adventurers who
ignore the call or perhaps they have yet to hear it. Whatever
the answer may be, the special ability is what makes an adventurer
an adventurer.