4.6 Idiosyncrasies

Every character has quirks that are unique to his personality. Sometimes these quirks are so bizarre that they go beyond normally accepted standards. These eccentric qualities are known as idiosyncrasies.
Some of the idiosyncrasies listed on the following table are not behavioral traits, but rather physical idiosyncrasies. These idiosyncrasies are usually allergies and odd physical characteristics, but some handicaps are included.
Every player character has a percentage chance listed, as listed on Table 4.6.1: Chance for idiocyncracy, to have one or more idiosyncracies. If the an idiosyncrasy is indicated roll on Table 4.6.2: Idiosyncracies, to determine the nature of the idiosyncrasy the character possesses.
Idiosyncrasies can sometimes be frustrating to play, but like alignment they are a tool to help enhance roleplaying. Players who roleplay their character's idiosyncrasy will be rewarded with additional experience points.
In some cases an idiosyncrasy may be indicated which would not be realistic for a character of that class to have. For example, it would be highly unlikely to have a lecher paladin or a stuttering wizard. In these cases another idiosyncrasy should be rolled. If the second roll indicates an idiosyncrasy which would not be realistic for a character of the class in question, then the character has no idiosyncrasy.

Table 4.6.1:
Chance for idiosyncracy
d00 roll Number of idiosyncracies
01 4
02-03 3
04-06 2
07-15 1
16+ 0


Table 4.5.2: Idiosyncrasies
d00 roll Idiosyncrasy d00 roll Idiosyncrasy
01-02 Absent minded 51-52 Jealousy
03-07 Addiction 53-54 Know-it-all
08 Albino 55-56 Lazy
09-12 Allergy 57-58 Lecher
13-14 Bigot/ Racist 59 Mental disorder
15-16 Braggart 60-61 Obese/ Skinny
17-18 Cleaning 62-63 Optimist
19-20 Clown 64-65 Overconfident
21-22 Color blindness 66 Pacifist
23-24 Control 67-68 Pack rat
25 Deformity 69-70 Perfectionist
26 Dreg 71-72 Pessimist
27-28 Driven 73-76 Phobia
29 Dwarf 77 Physical handicap
30 Epileptic 78-79 Political activist
31-32 Extrovert 80-81 Practical joker
33-34 Fetish 82-83 Procrastinator
35 Giant 84-85 Servile
36-37 Glutton 86-87 Slob
38-39 Gossip 88-89 Stubborn
40 Hiccupping 90 Stuttering
41-42 Honesty 91-92 Tightwad/ Miser
43-44 Impulsive 93-94 Vandal
45-46 Insomniac 95-97 Wastrel
47-48 Introvert 98-99 Zealot
49-50 Irreverent 00 Special

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