Special Ability Descriptions
- +1 to hit and damage A character with this SA has a +1 bonus to hit and damage with
a weapon of his choice. This bonus is cumulative with all other
bonuses. The weapon must be picked at first level and cannot be
- Ability score bonus This SA gives a character a bonus of +1 to +3 in an ability score
determined randomly on the tables below. A character with this
special ability may exceed the racial ability score maximum of
19 to a maximum score of 20.
- Table 4.5.5a: Physical abilities
d12 |
Ability |
1-3 |
Strength |
4-6 |
Dexterity |
7-9 |
Constitution |
10-11 |
Observation |
12 |
Roll twice ignoring rolls of 12 (bonus to two abilities) |
- Table 4.5.5b: Mental abilities
d12 |
Ability |
1 |
Intelligence |
2 |
Wisdom |
3 |
Charisma |
4 |
Ego |
5 |
Sanity (+1 = +5%) |
6 |
Observation |
- Agility The character with this SA may increase his Dexterity score by
+4 to a maximum of 19. His Dexterity AC adjustment is doubled.
- All sphere expert The priest with this special ability casts all spells from the
All Sphere at double effectiveness (double duration, area of effect,
range, etc.; a bless spell would give the creatures affected a
+2 bonus to hit, etc.).
- Armor wearing rogue The rogue with this SA has learned how to wear armor so that
it doesnt affect his thieving skills. He may wear armor with
an encumbrance rating less than bulky (banded, splint, plate,
etc.) without penalty to his thief abilities. It is near impossible
to perform thief abilities in bulky armor and the character
receives no benefit when attempting to do so.
- Attack immunity The character with this SA is 100 percent immune to a single
special attack form such as red dragon breath, acid, blue lotus
poison, petrification by gorgons, or a single spell. The nature
of the attack form the character is immune to may be chosen by
the player. A character with an attack immunity will never take
damage or experience an adverse effect from this type of attack.
An immunity to a normal attack form cannot be taken. For example
a character could not be immune to swords, but he could be immune
to the magical fire produce by a flaming sword.
- Backstabber The rogue with this SA has a knack for dispatching enemies by
attacking them from behind. His backstabbing multiplier is increased
by one.
- Beastmaster A character with this SA has the ability to communicate telepathically
with all natural animals. Natural animals include giant-sized
versions of normal animals, but never includes creatures with
magic attack forms or sentient beings.
- He may forge a telepathic link with up to 1d4 creatures. He may
accomplish this by maintaining constant contact with a single
animal for a one-week period. The animal(s) linked to the character
in this way will act as familiars for the character as if he had
cast the first-level wizard spell find familiar.
- Animals linked with the character will give the beast master a
+1 bonus to his hit point total per hit die of the creature. If
the creature should die the character will loose double the number
of bonus hit points permanently. The character can choose to release
an animal from his control, but he will not be able to bond with
a replacement animal for 2d4 weeks.
- Normal animals will not harm a beastmaster unless they are attacked.
- Bonus skill The character with this SA is a master of a certain skill. The
character can pick one non-weapon skill to receive as a bonus
skill (4x ability) and in addition adds 20% to the skill score.
- Bonus to all saving throws A character with this SA gains a bonus of +1 to +3 on all saving
throws as determined by a percentile die roll. Saving throw bonus:
(01-75) +1, (76-95) +2, (96-00) +3.
- Bonus to saving throw category A character with this SA gains a bonus of +1 to +3 to all saving
throws under one category on the saving throw table: poison, death
magic; polymorph, paralyzation; wand, staff, rod; breath weapon;
or spells.
- The amount of the bonus is determined by a percentile die roll:
(01-60) +1, (61-90) +2, (91-00) +3.
- Bump direction This SA reflects the uncanny ability of the character to never
get lost under ordinary circumstances. A character with this SA
has a 95 percent chance to be able to find his way home or to
wherever he wants to go, even if blindfolded or stranded in an
unfamiliar area without having the benefit of knowing how he got
there (i.e., teleport, etc.).
- Following a guide with bump direction can be confusing. One day
he may lead the part due north asserting, this is definitely
the right way and upon waking in the morning leads the party
the opposite direction, insisting that he is still going the same
way as the day before.
- A character who uses bump direction will require 1d6 times as
long to reach his destination as a character following a known
trail or using a map.
- Casting competency This SA can prove very valuable to the spell caster. A character
with this SA has an uncanny grasp of the theory of magic or an
unequaled understanding of the nature of divine magic. In game
terms this is reflected by a the wizard or priest being able to
cast spells from a specific school or sphere as if he was two
levels higher. The caster also receives a bonus of +1 to all saving
throws vs. spells from the school or sphere of competency and
his opponents save at -1 vs. spells cast by the character from
the school or sphere in which he is competent. In addition, a
wizard who is competent in a school of magic learns spells from
that school as if his intelligence were +1 and with a bonus of
+15% to his chance to know a spell. A character with this SA never
gains any additional spells because of this ability.
- To determine which school or sphere the character has special
competency in roll on the following tables.
- Table: 4.5.6 Wizard School Competency
d12 roll* |
School |
d12 roll* |
School |
1 |
Abjuration |
13 |
Dimension |
2 |
Alteration |
14 |
Force |
3 |
Conjuration/ Summoning |
15 |
Mentalism |
4 |
Enchantment/ Charm |
16 |
Shadow |
5 |
Greater Divination |
17 |
Alchemy |
6 |
Illusion/ Phantasm |
18 |
Artifice |
7 |
Invocation/ Evocation |
19 |
Geometry |
8 |
Necromancy |
20 |
Song |
9 |
Air Elemental (Wind) |
21 |
Universal |
10 |
Earth Elemental (Sand) |
22-23 |
Take two rolls |
11 |
Fire Elemental (Flame) |
24 |
Player's choice |
12 |
Water Elemental (Sea) |
*Roll d6 on a result of 4 to 6 add 10 to the d12 roll. |
- Specialist wizards will always be competent in their specialty
school, but should roll on the Wizard School Competency table
any way. If the roll indicates the wizards specialty school as
the school of competency then the wizard will cast spells from
that school as if he were a wizard of three levels higher than
his own. He would save vs. spells from that school at a bonus
of +3, and opponents would save vs. his spells from that school
at -3. All other rolls but a 23 (take two rolls) should be ignored.
- A specialist will never be competent in an opposition school,
but if the result of the specialists competency roll is 23, he
will be allowed to roll for a second school of competency (his
first competency is always considered his specialty school). If
the second school of competency is an opposition school then the
specialist will be allowed to learn and cast spells from that
school with a -15% penalty to his chance to learn a spell, no
other bonuses apply. He may know spells from the opposition school
as if his intelligence were six less than normal.
- For example, a specialist wizard with an intelligence of 18 rolls
a 23 (take two rolls) on his competency roll. He is assumed to
be competent in his specialty field already; his second roll results
in an opposition school, therefore he may learn spells from that
school as if his intelligence were 12 with a -15% penalty. He
would have a 35% chance to learn a spell, would never be able
to cast a spell over 6th level, and could learn no more than seven
spells per level in that school.
- Wild Mages and Incantrix will always be competent in wild magic
and incantrix magic respectively. These wizards should roll on
the Wizard School Competency table like a specialist, with a roll
of 24 being considered wild magic or incantrix magic.
Table: 4.5.7 Priest Sphere Competency
d00 roll* |
Sphere |
d00 roll* |
Sphere |
01-04 |
01-04 All |
52-55 |
Numbers |
05-08 |
Animal |
56-59 |
Plant |
09-11 |
Astral |
60-63 |
Protection |
12-14 |
Chaos |
64-67 |
Summoning |
15-18 |
Charm |
68-71 |
Sun |
19-22 |
Combat |
72-75 |
Sun Reversed |
23-25 |
Creation |
76-79 |
Thought |
26-28 |
Curses |
80-83 |
Time |
29-32 |
Divination |
84-87 |
Travelers |
33-36 |
- 1 Air
- 2 Earth
- 3 Fire
- 4 Water
88-91 |
War |
37-40 |
Guardian |
92-95 |
Wards |
41-43 |
Healing |
96-99 |
Weather |
44-47 |
Law |
00 |
Take two rolls |
48-51 |
Necromantic |
- Priests will never be competent in a sphere of magic not available
to them because of their religious faith. If a priest rolls 00
(take two rolls) and on subsequent rolls gains the same result
twice, he will cast spells from that sphere as if he were three
levels higher (see specialist wizard special circumstance).
- A priest who is competent in a sphere of magic casts spells from
that sphere with no chance of spell failure and as if his Wisdom
were +1.
- Casting competency, one spell This SA is identical to Casting Competency above, but is limited
to one spell of any level chosen by the character. A wizard character
will automatically gain access to this spell and may place it
in his spellbook when he reaches the minimum level required to
cast it.
- Choose any ability A character may choose any single special ability from the table
for his class.
- Climbing The character with this SA has a natural climbing ability equal
to four times his Dexterity/Balance. This ability allows a character
to climb walls as a thief. After the base chance has been calculated
the character may add an adjustment for high Dexterity/Balance
if applicable. A character who wears armor will be penalized as
if he were a thief wearing armor. This skill can be improved as
if it were a Physical 4 skill.
- Comprehend languages ability This SA gives the character a special nonweapon skill similar
to the thief ability of the same name. The nonweapon skill starts
at a percentage equal to the characters Intelligence/Knowledge
and can be increased as a Mental 1 skill. This skill can be used
to read magical writings.
- Courage The character with this SA shows above average bravery in the
face of danger. In game terms he receives a +1 bonus to all saves
vs. fear, and a +5% bonus to Sanity checks.
- Creature friend This SA indicates that the character has intimate knowledge of
the customs, ethics, lifestyle, traditions and language of a race
of sentient beings. Some time earlier in life this character befriended
a single individual of this race and became through that friendship
an adopted member of the race. Dragon friend, Elf friend, Orc
friend, etc. are all examples of Creature Friends.
- A character who is a creature friend modifies his reaction adjustment
by +5 when dealing with members of his befriended race. He also
gains +1 to saving throws vs. special attack forms (if any, i.e.
dragon breath) of his befriended race. His knowledge of the
race is reflected by expert skill, 80% plus ability modifier,
in Creature Lore.
- Detect magic by touch The character with this SA has the ability to detect magic on
an object by touching it and concentrating for 1d4 rounds. During
this time the caster may not do anything but concentrate on determining
the presence of magic. If the object to be detected is normally
worn, then the caster must wear it while detecting magic. Thus
a cursed ring would effect the caster; a cloak of poison would
also take effect.
- By concentrating on an object for an additional 2d4 rounds the
caster can determine which school or sphere the magic originates
- Detect magic 60' radius This SA is identical to Detect Magic by Touch but is effective
over a 60' radius, and the character need not make physical contact
with an item to detect magic. The character does, however, need
to make physical contact with the object in question to determine
what school or sphere the magic originates from.
- Disease immunity The character with this SA is immune to all natural diseases
and parasites. He receives no special immunity to magical diseases
or curses.
- Evil detection This SA allows a character to detect evil in a 60' radius when
concentrating. Paladins or other characters normally able to detect
evil because of class or kit benefits gain the ability to detect
evil in a 120' radius.
- Expert skill The character with this SA may chose to be an expert in any single
nonweapon skill he desires. The character receives the skill at
80% plus his ability score modifier.
- Extraordinary liar This character has an incredible knack for telling very believable
lies. In fact, he tells lies so well, that under normal circumstances
(when it doesnt really matter whether hes telling a lie or the
truth) he is always believed when lying. When telling a successful
lie could prevent injury to the character (either physically,
emotionally or monetarily) the character adjusts his reaction
roll by +5 or +25%. Player characters may always decide for themselves
whether the liar is telling the truth.
- Fast learner (weapons) A character with this SA is able to gain new weapon skills at
at half the normal skill point cost. When a fast learner uses
a weapon with which he is not proficient for six consecutive rounds
of combat he subtracts one from the non-proficiency penalty after
using the weapon, this bonus is not cumulative. A fast learner
gains 51-150 (d00 + 50) additional skill points at first level
which must be used to learn weapon skills.
- Fast spell recovery The spell casting character who has this SA will be able to recover
spells at twice the normal rate. Thus, a wizard could memorize
1st level spells after only two hours of rest and it would only
take him five minutes to memorize each spell; he could memorize
a 9th-level spell after only six hours of rest and it would take
him 45 minutes to actually memorize the spell.
- Favored by deity A deity (not necessarily the characters patron) has taken a
special interest in this character. The deity has specific plans
for the character which are incomprehensible to a mere mortal.
In game terms, this means the deity will intervene on the characters
behalf one or more times at the DMs discretion. It should be
noted that this intervention may not always be welcome by the
character and will not always be beneficial. In the case that
the deity saves a characters life, he or she may demand some
sort of payment from the character, usually in the form of a geas
or quest.
- Fearless A character who is fearless will never run in the face of danger
because of lack of courage. In game terms this means that he is
immune to fear spells, dragon fear, demon fear and other fear-based
special attacks. A character who is fearless must still make Sanity
checks when required, but any failed Sanity check that results
in a fear response is instead an Attack in Berserk Rage (41-60)
response. The Sanity point loss is equal to the Sanity Check Failure
result rolled.
- Fight like a bear A character with this SA can continue to fight for a number of
rounds equal to his Constitution minus 1d6 even after being reduced
to zero hit points or less. If the character is reduced to -10
Hit Points or less, he will collapse and die at the end of combat.
The character will die instantly when his negative hit point total
drops below his Constitution minus 1d6. In addition, once the
character is reduced below zero hit points he will bleed, losing
one hit point per round until cured.
- While fighting at negative hit points the character will gain
a bonus of +2 to hit and +4 to damage. The character will also
have a 10% greater chance to cause a critical hit on a roll of
a natural 20.
- Good detection This SA allows a character to detect good in a 60' radius when
concentrating. Evil paladins or other characters normally able
to detect good because of class or kit benefits gain the ability
to detect good in a 120' radius.
- Hated foe The character with this special ability may pick a single creature
type which he hates. In game terms this means the character will
attack the hated foe 90 percent of the time, gaining a +4 to hit
and +4 to damage. Any applicable saving throws against special
attacks made by the creature are rolled at +2. This special ability
may not be combined with the Blood Oath skill.
- Healer A character with this SA has learned the art of healing from
a person who has knowledge far in advance of contemporary technology.
The character gains the Healing and Herbalism skills as bonus
skills and can heal twice as many hit points as normal when these
skills are successfully used. In addition, the ability to heal
twice as many hit points as normal applies to other healing skills
such as Chirurgery, but the character must learn them normally
to gain the bonus.
- Also, all spells from the sphere of healing cast by a priest with
this SA will be twice as effective as normal.
- Immortal A character who is immortal never physically grows older than
25. He can not die of old age and can only be permanently slain
by decapitation or any means that totally destroys the physical
body. Any time the character is slain but not destroyed in a manner
listed above, he will rise from the dead fully healed the next
- The greatest disadvantage to this SA is that other immortals (usually
evil) will hunt the character and attempt to destroy him. An immortal
who decapitates another immortal will instantly gain one experience
- Incredibly handsome/beautiful The character with this SA is exceptionally attractive to members
of his race of the opposite sex. He or she has learned to monopolize
on this ability and initial reaction modifiers for members of
the opposite sex are made as if the character had a Charisma/Appearance
of 19 (20 if the characters Charisma/Appearance is already 19).
This modifier is only effective for the first 10-60 (10d6) turns
of interaction. After this time it is assumed that the characters
true personality shows itself and any future reaction rolls are
made normally.
- Infravision/ultravision A character with this SA has infravision or ultravision as determined
by a percentile die roll (01-70 infravision/ 71-00 ultravision).
The range of this special vision is equal to 1d12 and 10 feet.
- Innate spell ability A character with innate spell ability has the ability to cast
one zero- to third-level spell (wizard or priest) 1d3 times per
day without using any material components. He simply wills the
effect to occur. This is similar to a Drows ability to cast certain
spells innately. The innate spell ability has a casting time of
3 and is effective as if the character were a wizard or priest
of his present level. Use of this ability is equal to a half-move
action in combat.
- Keen hearing A character with this SA has hearing which is twice as effective
as normal (30%).
- Keen sight A character with this SA has twice the normal vision range for
a human. He also has twice the normal chance to detect secret
and concealed doors.
- Legend lore The character with this SA has a special nonweapon skill which
gives him a base chance equal to his Intelligence/Knowledge plus
Wisdom/Understanding divided by two to know basic knowledge about
a particular item, place, event or person. This skill is similar
to the bard ability of the same name. The character may roll once
on the legend lore table for every level he has achieved.
- This special ability may be increased as Mental 2 skill.
- Life energy protection The character with this SA has special resistance to the special
attack forms of undead which draw their power from either the
positive or negative material planes. Undead (or other creature)
attacks for which a saving throw is normally allowed are automatically
saved against. Attacks for which a saving throw is not normally
allowed may be saved against on a roll of 20 with an additional
plus being added for each point of Ego/Aura above 14. Bonuses
from magical protective devices such as a ring of protection may
also be added to this bonus.
- Life protection The character with this SA cannot be affected by magic jar, possession
and other similar attacks. Because of this special protection,
if the character is a priest he will often be an exorcist.
- Linguist A character with this SA has the ability to learn twice as many
languages as indicated by his intelligence score. The character
receives half of these languages as bonus skills, reflecting his
natural inclination toward linguistic ability. In addition, the
character may take the Linguistics skill as a bonus skill.
- Locksmith This SA indicates that the character has some past experience
as an apprentice locksmith or thief. The character can pick locks
with the appropriate tools with a chance of success equal to his
Dexterity/Aim times three. Bonuses for high Dexterity/Aim may
be added after calculating the base score. Penalties for wearing
armor apply. The lockpicking skill may be increased as a Physical
4 skill.
- The character also receives the Locksmith craft skill as a bonus
skill. This skill may be increased normally.
- Luck Lady luck rides on this characters shoulder. Things always seem
to go his way. He has just moved when a chamber pot is emptied
from a second floor window, splashing waste to the place where
he was standing only moments before. He just happens to find a
coin on the floor to pay for that last drink, etc.
- In game terms, the player picks one die type (d4, d6, d8, d10,
d12, d20, d00) with which his character will always receive a
bonus of +1/-1 (+5%/-5% for d00). Whenever that type of die is
used, the character will receive the bonus.
- In addition, the character receives 1d4 additional Luck Points.
- Magic resistance The character with this SA has 2-40% (2d20) magic resistance.
This is normal magic resistance and may be turned-on or turned-off
at will.
- Magic smith A spell caster with this SA has an extraordinary grasp for the
techniques and theories behind the construction of magical items
(priest or wizard). All items enchanted by this character are
done so with a difficulty factor one less than normal and with
a bonus to the casters chance of successfully creating an item
equal to one half his Intelligence +2. The character with this
SA will accidentally create a cursed item only on a roll of 99-00.
- Master craftsman Before the character began his adventuring career he rose to
fame in his homeland as a master craftsman. This character was
well known and highly respected. Patrons often paid two to three
times the standard price for goods produced by this character.
- The pressure of constant demands on his time and stress caused
by anxious patrons rushing the character to meet deadlines drove
him to leave his chosen profession and take up life as an adventurer.
- In game terms this character may pick any one craft skill as a
bonus skill. The character receives that skill at 80% plus his
relevant ability score modifier.
- When this character left his trade he sold his business in order
to outfit himself for adventure. In addition to normal starting
money the character has a nest egg of 500-10,000 gp (d20) from
the sale of his business. The character also receives one item
crafted with extraordinary skill. For example a master bowyer
would have a fine bow, possibly giving its user a non-magical
+1 bonus to hit and a bonus to damage for high Strength. The item
the character receives will be decided at the DMs discretion.
- Characters also have the added advantage that others involved
in their trade will recognize them 25% of the time. If the character
is recognized he will receive a +6 reaction adjustment when dealing
with them. The character will receive this bonus 75% of the time
if he has the opportunity to perform his craft in the presence
of other craftsmen of his trade. These craftsmen may not recognize
the characters name or face, but they will recognize his work.
- Mechanical intuition Characters with mechanical intuition have an uncanny knack for
figuring out how mechanical objects operate. In game terms this
translates into the ability of a character to successfully determine
the function of an unidentified mechanical object with a chance
of success equal to four times his Intelligence/Reason ability
score. This character will also be able to disarm mechanical traps
as a thief with a chance equal to his Dexterity/Aim. This character
can also locate mechanical traps with a chance equal to his chance
to disarm traps ability. The character can adjust his chance to
find/remove traps for high ability scores after calculating the
base chance of success.
- The character must have the proper tools to disarm a trap successfully.
- The ability to determine mechanical function can be improved as
a Mental 2 skill. His chance to find traps can be increased as
a Mental 2, Physical 1 skill and his chance to remove traps can
be increased as a Physical 4 skill.
- Memory The spell casting character with this SA can memorize one additional
spell of any level he or she is able to cast. Thus a fifth-level
wizard could choose to memorize an additional 1st, 2nd or 3rd
level spell.
- Mixed blood The character with this SA has some demihuman blood in his ancestry.
He may pick 1d3 SAs available to any single major demihuman character
race (at the DMs discretion). For example, a character with dwarf
blood who had two inherited special abilities might pick the dwarven
bonus to saving throws vs. poison and a +1 bonus to Constitution.
A character who selects an ability score bonus may exceed the
racial ability score maximum for a human only the final ability
score does not exceed the racial maximum for his parent race.
- In no case may a character pick SAs from two or three different
demihuman races. In addition, the character with this SA may not
select innate spell casting ability as his special ability.
- Oracle The character with this SA has been chosen by his deity as an
oracle. The character may ask his deity one question per day as
if he had cast the 5th-level priest spell commune.
- In addition, (01-10) once per week, (11-60) once per month, (61-90)
once per year, or (91-00) on feast days or special occasions the
character may go into a deep trance (1d12 hours) and commune with
his deity more intimately. While in this trance the character
will receive the answer to a question he presents to his deity.
The answer will usually be cryptic in nature.
- The character must usually use some special method to divine the
meaning of his deitys message, such as watching the flights of
birds or examining stones cut with runes, to help him decipher
the meaning of his deitys revelation. Some deities (especially
good ones) may require that the character provide his oracle powers
free of charge to those in need. Evil deities might require a
sacrifice each time a major divination occurs.
- Pickpocket/petty thief A character with this SA has some experience as a petty thief.
He has the ability to pickpockets as a thief. His ability with
this skill is equal to three times his Dexterity/Aim score. After
calculating the base score the character can add a bonus for high
Dexterity/Aim. This ability is penalized if the character wears
- This SA can be increased as if it were a Physical 4 skill.
- Powerful underworld contacts The rogue with this SA has 1d8 underworld contacts (guild masters,
expert assassins, fences, etc.) who owe him a favor. He may call
on each contact for aid one time and the contacts will do their
best to help him. In no case will these contacts join the character
for an adventure and these contacts will only rarely (25% +1%
per the characters level) risk their life for him. The contacts,
their area of operation and their profession will be decided by
the DM.
- Protection from evil/good The character with this SA is affected as if a permanent protection
from evil/good spell had been cast on him. This ability may be
lost if the character changes alignment for any reason or is in
disfavor with his deity. Evil characters are protected from good,
good characters are protected from evil, and neutral characters
have a 50% chance to be protected from evil and a 50% chance to
be protected from good.
- This SA effects only the character and has no radius of effect
and therefore cannot protect other creatures, even if they touch
the character.
- Protection from evil/good, 10' radius This SA is exactly like the SA above except that it protects
everyone within a 10-foot radius of the character.
- Psionic immunity This SA gives the character total immunity to psionics. This
immunity prevents beneficial as well as hostile psionic effects
from affecting the character. This character may never have psionics.
A character who already has psionics receives an addition 3d10
PSPs but is not immune to psionics.
- Rapid healer A character who is a rapid healer recovers hit points at twice
the normal rate. Healing spells, magic items, herbal treatments,
psionic healing and mundane healing methods are more effective
when used on this character, healing one extra point per die rolled
or if no die is rolled, one extra hit point per 10 healed.
- Repulsive taste The character with this SA has a peculiar physical trait that
makes his flesh taste so bad that most monsters (75%) will not
eat him. This does not mean the monster will not defend itself,
but it does prevent the characters body from being consumed.
In the case of monsters like a purple worm that swallow prey whole,
there is a 75% chance that the character will be spit or vomited
out 1d4 rounds after being swallowed.
- Saving throw bonus, one attack form The character with this SA may pick one specific attack form
for which he will gain a bonus of +1 to +4 to his saving throw.
Examples of specific attack forms include: natural fire, magical
ice, red dragon breath, and blue lotus poison. Roll on the table
below to determine what plus the character will receive to his
saving throw. Priests may add their Wisdom/Understanding ability
score to this roll.
Table: 4.5.8 Saving throw bonus
d00 Roll |
Bonus |
- Secret door locator The character with this SA can find secret and concealed doors
as if he were a Paladian elf (a roll of 1-7 on a d20 to find secret
doors or a roll of 1-10 on a d20 to find a concealed door).
- Speed The character with this SA can move exceptionally quickly. His
movement rate is increased by 2d6. In addition, he may take the
nonweapon skill Speed as a recommended skill.
- Stealth The character with this SA has the ability to hide in shadows
(01-45), move silently (46-90) or hide in shadows and move silently
(91-00) as a thief. The ability is equal to the characters Dexterity/Balance
times three. Dexterity adjustments can be added to this base score.
Penalties for wearing armor apply. Rangers with this SA may add
the bonus points to their standard skill score.
- This ability will be at half-strength in either city or natural
settings 90% of the time (01-50 city/ 51-00 natural setting).
Ten percent of the time this ability is equally effective in both
city and natural settings.
- Either of these SAs may be increased as a Physical 4 skill.
- Superior horseman A character with this SA has a special affinity for horses and
all things equestrian. He gains the Land-based Riding (horse)
nonweapon skill and the Animal Training (horse) skill as bonus
skills. The character gains a horse of his choice with maximum
hit points, superior intelligence (+3), +1 bonus to AC, and +3
Movement Rate. The character can communicate empathically with
all horses.
- Superior memory The spell caster with this SA can memorize an additional spell
for each level of magic he is able to cast. For example a fifth-level
wizard could memorize an additional 1st-, 2nd- and 3rd-level spell.
This bonus is in addition to the bonus given to specialist wizards.
- Superior sense of smell Characters with this SA can identify food, drinks, potions, etc.,
by smell. The character would have to normally know what physical
object the smell is normally associated with to successfully identify
it. A character with this SA can successfully detect poison (provided
it has an odor) in food or drink 50% of the time. This character
receives a +1 bonus to his surprise roll when he encounters a
creature which has an odor of any kind. He smells the creature
- Superior sense of taste Characters with a superior sense of taste will always be able
to identify an item tasted at least once before. They will also
notice additives (like poison) to food or other materials with
a 75% chance of success.
- Superior weapon master This character is renowned throughout the land for his insight
into the art of armed martial combat. A character with this SA
can gain mastery in any number of weapons regardless of class.
A fighter with this special ability will gain a weapon of high
mastery at first level with which he will be +4 to hit and damage
for melee weapons and +3 to hit and damage with missile weapons
(bonuses exceed normal high mastery bonuses). A fighter with this
SA will have a +3 reaction bonus when dealing with warriors who
know of his reputation.
- Take two rolls A character may roll twice on the special ability table, rerolling
any result of 99 or 00.
- Take three rolls A character may roll three times on the special ability table,
rerolling any result of 99 or 00.
- Telepathy, 60' radius This SA gives the character the ability to communicate via a
mental link with other intelligent creatures as if he had the
psionic devotion telepathy.
- Thieving specialization The rogue with this SA may choose one thief ability in which
he is specialized. The thief ability chosen will be increased
by 10-30% (d3).
- Tough skin A character with this SA has exceptionally thick skin, almost
leather like in consistency. Without armor this character has
a base natural Armor Class of 9. This bonus to AC is not cumulative
with the protective value of armor, but may be counted when the
character is wearing only magical protection like bracers of defense
and or a ring of protection, but not magic armor. Shields, however,
are cumulative with the protective value of tough skin.
- Treasure sense A character with this SA can sense, when concentrating for 1d4
rounds, the presence of large quantities of treasure (1,000 gp
or more) within 100 feet. This ability does not enable the character
to see the treasure or to overcome obstacles or traps that might
prevent him from obtaining it. He can only sense its presence
by the quiver of his hands, the sweat on his palms, a chill down
his spine, or some other similar means.
- True sight This character has the natural ability of true sight as the 6th-level
wizard spell true seeing. The 5th-level priest spell, false seeing,
cast on this person effects him as if he had normal vision. The
character must concentrate on this ability for one turn for it
to work effectively.
- Undead bane The priest with this SA has the power to affect undead more forcefully
when calling upon his deity to turn undead. The priest turns undead
as if he were a priest three levels higher than his present level.
A priest of 14th level or higher automatically dispels undead
of 7 HD or less (affecting an additional 2d4 undead of less than
6 HD), automatically turns specters, vampires and other undead
with 8-9 HD, and turns ghosts or 10 HD undead on a roll of 4 or
higher, lich or 11+ HD undead on a roll of 7 or higher, and special
creatures on a roll of 10 or higher.
- Evil priests will gain this benefit for befriending undead. Priests
who do not have the ability to turn undead may roll again.
- Weapon master The character has an uncanny grasp for the art of armed martial
combat. He may take weapon specializations in an unlimited number
of weapons even if the character is not a single-classed fighter.
Fighters receive a free weapon of mastery skill at first level.
- Weapon specialist A weapon specialist has been trained by a master warrior who
is known throughout the land for his weapon-skill training ability.
The character can pick one weapon with which he is specialized
at 1st level without expending any weapon skill points. All warrior
classes can benefit from this SA.
- Weapon high master This SA is like weapon specialist except that the master warrior
who trained the character taught him everything he knew. The character
can pick a weapon of high mastery at first level at no skill point
- Zealot The priest with this SA has the gift of charisma when preaching
his faith. This priest effects intelligent creatures of less than
1 HD when he is preaching as if he had cast an enthrall spell.
All other intelligent creatures react to his preaching as if his
Charisma/Appearance were five higher than it is normally. Other
clerics of his faith react to him as if he had a Charisma/Appearance
of 19.