4.0 Background and special abilities

The heart of the world of Fälgorna pumps with the blood of adventurers and its lungs fill with air fortified by the heroism of the characters who travel its vast lands and ply its great oceans. Fälgorna lives and grows like a sentient creature, but it is the characters who provide the soul of this fantastic land of dragons, magic and legend. Without these characters, the forests, mountains, monsters, cities, kingdoms, dungeons and secret societies become nothing more than meaningless scribbles on countless scraps of paper. The characters of Fälgorna are its children.
Since the characters adventuring in the Fälgorna campaign setting play a vital role in bringing the world to life, more effort must be dedicated to developing these characters than is dedicated to developing Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Second Edition characters in many other campaign settings. A character in the land of Fälgorna has goals and aspirations, a moral code he must follow, a place he calls home, a family to defend or spurn, interesting quirks and other unique traits that set him or her apart from all other characters. The task of character development is a labor of love which will pay high dividends in the form of enjoyment to the player who takes the job seriously.
This chapter provides the player with assistance in developing a background and special abilities for his character.
Following is a summary of the seven sections covered in this chapter.
  • Social Standing — This section provides rules for determining the character’s position within society and his place within his family.
  • Place of Origin — This section summarizes the kingdoms and population centers of the realm and provides tables to randomly determine where a character hails from.
  • Alignment — This section includes a brief discourse on the philosophy behind character alignment and provides guidelines for selecting a characters moral persuasion.
  • Life and Luck Points — This section provides rules determining a character’s Life and Luck Points and guidelines on how these points are used during game play.
  • Special Abilities — In the world of Fälgorna, all human characters receive a special ability. This section includes tables for randomly determining the character’s special ability and descriptions of all the available special abilities.
  • Idiosyncracies — Every character has a chance to possess a peculiar mannerism which may effect game play. This section includes tables for randomly determining the if a character has an idiosyncracy and descriptions of the various standard idiosyncracies. It also includes advice on selecting character quirks, favorite quotes and other distinguishing characteristics.
  • Personal History — This section provides guidelines for developing a character’s background, keeping adventure logs and generally rounding out a character for use in the world of Fälgorna.
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