Quirks and mannerisms

Every character has some unique quality that makes him different from every other fighter, wizard, priest or rogue you meet. It might be that candied apples are his favorite food, or that he hates cats or sneezes when every he smells wine, perhaps he walks with a limp or talks with a lisp. Quirks are the qualities that make Bruno the Barbarian, Bruno the Barbarian and Hildon the Dwarf a dwarf to remember. These unique qualities, quirks and mannerisms help the player roleplay his character with more flair.
In Fälgorna every character has 1d6 quirks and mannerisms. These quirks and mannerisms should be chosen by the player for his character. However, the character must always have at least one quirk or mannerism, though he may have more than six if he wishes.
Quirks and mannerisms are like minor idiosyncrasies. In no case, however, will they ever effect an ability score, saving throw or combat role. A player who roleplays his character's quirks and mannerisms will be awarded extra experience points for good roleplaying.

Favorite quotes

Like quirks and mannerisms, every character has his favorite words and phrases. Favorite quotes can be as simple as “Darn” or as inventive as “By the eyes of the drooling dragons of Taldos,” but should always be appropriate to the character's race, social background and alignment. Most character's have more than one favorite quote or word, but he need not have any.
Extra experience points for role playing will be awarded for appropriate use of a favorite quote (i.e., the usage seems natural).
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