School of Incantation Spell Analysis
- Spells of the school of incantation affect the casting of magic. (This school subsumes the category/school of metamagic, briefly discussed in the Tome of Magic). Such spells may enhance or reduce the effectiveness of other spells (as do those of metamagic), disrupt the magic of other spellcasters, banish summoned creatures from other planes, or shield the spellcaster from magical attack. Although the school of incantation has a fairly limited spell selection of low-level spells, such spells are very effective when used in battle with other spellcasters. The School of Incantation magic can be subdivided into four categories of spells, and only the spells copy and the Simbuls synostodweomer fall outside of these classifications. These groups are:
- Metamagic Spells: This group includes spells that enhance or reduce the effectiveness of other spells such as alacrity; augmentation I & II; dilation I & II; far reaching I, II, & III; extension I, II, & III; greater malison; maladweomer; minor malison; Mordenkainens celerity; Rarys mnemonic enhancer; Rarys spell enhancer; Rarys superior spell enhancer; and squaring the circle.
- Incantatrixes (specialist wizards in the school of incantation) have developed reversed versions of the augmentation, dilation, far reaching, and extension spells that can be used to minimize the effectiveness of an opponents magic (a successful saving throw vs. spell negates the spell; the range is 10 feet per level).
- Disruptive Spells: This group includes spells that disrupt magical wards and a spellcasting opponents ability to cast spells such as curse of forgetfulness, dispel magic, dispel possession, disruption, draincone, dweomer vortex, feeblemind, forget, knock, maze, Mordenkainens involuntary wizardry, Ottos chime of release, power word stun, ruby ray of reversal, steal enchantment, stealspell, and unbinding.
- Banishment Spells: This group includes spells that banish summoned creatures back to their own plane of existence such as banishment, dismissal, and power word banishment.
- Shielding Spells: This group includes spells that shield an incantatrix from the magic of other spellcasters such as Bigbys interposing hand, Drawmijs marvelous shield, forcecage, globe of invulnerability, minor globe of invulnerability, minor spell turning, mystic shield, mystic sphere, prismatic sphere, prismatic wall, Rarys mind shield, shield, spell turning, wall of force, and weirdshield.
- Most Desirable Spells:
- 1) Low-level: The number of first- and second-level spells in the school of incantation is extremely limited, although shield is a good defensive spell and knock can be quite helpful. The third-level spells dispel magic, dweomer vortex and maladweomer are very useful for neutralizing enemy spellcasters. The reversed form of far reaching I can potentially cause an enemy spellcaster's offensive spells to affect his own allies.
- 2) Mid-level: Feeblemind and the reversed versions of dilation, extension and far reaching spells are useful for negating the threat of enemy spellcasters. Dismissal and dispel possession can remove potentially deadly foes from the battlefield. Minor spell turning and wall of force are very useful protective spells.
- 3) High-level: Stealspell and unbinding are the signature spells of an incantatrix. Banishment, disruption, draincone, power word banishment and ruby ray of reversal are all powerful spells for negating opponents.