Rhabdomancer guild spells
Exploring mine shafts and caverns regularly means that certain spells become more useful than others. Here follows a listing by level and name of some wizard spells that a rhabdomancer may be offered by the guilds, and their most common uses. The list does not include spells greater than fourth-level, as they are often of such power that they are not always taught by the guild, and their effectiveness underground is often more obvious (a passwall spell for example, or dig).
- First level
- Affect normal fires: This may help to illuminate large areas without the need for many lamps.
- Light: This spell provides the perfect illumination, one that is proof against flammable gases and holds no risk of suffocating the user.
- Mending: This can be used to repair cracks in support beams.
- Reduce (the reverse of enlarge): This spell is perfect for the removal of debris and loose rock.
- Tensers floating disc: This is a useful means for bearing any ore or precious findings out of the earth without a cart.
- Second level
- Continual light: See light, above.
- Levitate: This is useful for lifting heavy rocks and the like.
- Strength: As many of the endeavors underground may be physical and require additional strength, this can be of assistance.
- Third level
- Feign death: This may be used to effect a cataleptic state when threatened with harmful gases or a lack of oxygen.
- Gust of wind: This is an excellent means to flush away harmful vapors and provide fresh air to mine shafts.
- Infravision: This spell provides an obvious means for sight in the Everdark.
- Item: This allows for inventive uses such as turning a stout beam into a portable brace or for carrying great lengths of rope or chain without encumbrance.
- Slow: This spell affects a targets breathing, thus allowing the individual to operate in places with less oxygen.
- Windwall: This presents yet another means to keep harmful gases at bay.
- Fourth level
- Dig: This spells usefulness is clear.
- Polymorph self: When escape from or exploration of a cavern is necessary or desirable, an animal form may be best suited to the task.
- Vacancy: After the discovery of a rich vein or sarsen, this spell allows the casters claim to go unmolested by trespassers.
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