- Rhabdomancy spell modifications
- Some previously introduced spells from other schools of magic which also belong to the School of Rhabdomancy have modified effects when cast by a rhabdomancer with the aid of his divining rod. If a rhabdomancer acquires a standard version of one of the following spells (on a scroll, in a captured spellbook or through other means), the minor adjustments detailed below are automatically applied to reflect his casting style. In some cases, the rhabdomancer is unable to cast a given spell because of his unique magical method.
- First level
- Detect magic: The rhabdomancer has a 20% chance per level to recognize the type of magic (alteration, conjuration, etc.), if any, present. With a successful dowsing check, he may recognize a spell/magical effect encountered before.
- Detect phase: The creatures or objects outlined by this spell only remained outlined as long as the caster holds his divining rod and points in the direction of the creature or object. However, the duration of the spell is doubled for a rhabdomancer.
- Detect undead: Rhabdomancers have a 5% chance per level of discerning the exact nature and number of undead present.
- Identify: Normally, a rhabdomancer has no benefit in the casting of this spell, except that due to his specialization in the use of a divining rod, he has a slight edge in the identification of magical rods and wands (staves are not included); the loss of Constitution due to casting is only four points.
- Second level
- Detect evil/good: With a successful dowsing check, the rhabdomancer can discern the exact sort of evil (cunning, murderous, necromantic, treacherous, unholy, etc.) or good (blissful, generous, holy, kind, etc.) present.
- Detect invisibility: As long as the rhabdomancer holds his divining rod, the invisible or hidden is revealed to him.
- Know alignment: The subject of this spell receives a penalty on his saving throw equal to the rhabdomancers level.
- Third level
- Wizards sight: The rhabdomancer is only able to see with wizards sight while he is holding his divining rod.
- Fourth level
- Conjure elemental-kin: The rhabdomancer may only conjure elemental-kin from the Elemental Plane of Earth.
- Detect scrying: The scryer suffers a penalty to their saving throw to resist being revealed equal to half the rhabdomancers level (round fractions up).
- Locate creature: While this spell is seldom used by rhabdomancers because the third-level spell lesser rhabdomancy, usually suffices, it does have useful applications. When cast by a rhabdomancer, the spell is not blocked by running water. In addition, the rhabdomancer need not have ever seen the individual or creature he wishes to track if he knows its name or has a detailed description of the creature.
- Fifth level
- Conjure elemental: Rhabdomancers may only conjure earth elementals through the use of this spell.
- Contact other plane: Rhabdomancers rarely have much dealings with extraplanar creatures, though they certainly welcome insight from the Elemental Plane of Earth, but they gain no added benefit in casting this spell. However, with a successful Dowsing check, the rhabdomancer gains some small insight into the sort of being contacted (relative power, intelligence, alignment, etc.).
- False Vision: Since rhabdomancers cannot fathom magic that distorts or obscures divination, this spell cannot be learned.
- Sixth level
- True Seeing: The rhabdomancer only gains true sight for as long as he holds his rod.
- Eighth level
- Analyze dweomer: A rhabdomancer gains a +1% per level bonus to the normal chance of success when analyzing the dweomer of a rod or wand. If he fails his System Shock Survival roll, exhaustion will only last for 1d4 hours.
- Screen: Since rhabdomancers cannot fathom magic that distorts or obscures divination, this spell cannot be learned.
- Ninth level
- Elemental aura: The rhabdomancer may only assume an earth elemental aura.
- Foresight: The rhabdomancer must be holding his divining rod to gain the insight this spell grants. He may also choose to switch the object of the spell once a round, but each time this is done it lessens the spell duration by one round.
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