Level 2 Sea Magic
- Eagle Eyes (Alteration)
Level: 2
Range: Touch
Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 hour per level
Casting Time: 4
Area of effect: One creature
Save: None
- This spell confers upon the recipient especially keen distance vision, effectively doubling the range at which he can see things, as well as enhancing the details that he can make out. The effect can be disorienting at first, and the recipient must make an Intelligence check or become dizzy and confused for 1d10 minutes.
- The material components are the eyes of a keen-sighted animal.
Fantar's shoal (Alteration, Evocation)
Level: 2
Range: 100 yds.
Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 hour + 10 minutes per level
Casting Time: 5
Area of effect: One ship
Save: Neg.
- This spell creates a magical barrier just under the oceans surface. Ships striking the barrier become grounded as if on a shoal or shallow. It causes no structural damage but effectively arrests movement for the duration of the spell unless the ships navigator or captain makes an effective save vs. spell. The casters level determines the size of the ship that can be affected:
Level |
Ship |
1-3 |
raft, canoe, small row boat |
4-6 |
row boat, outrigger, small long boat |
7-9 |
long boat, small barge |
10-12 |
large barge, fishing vessel |
13-15 |
small ship |
16-18 |
medium-sized ship |
19+ |
large ship, galleon |
- The material components are a piece of coral valued at least 100 gp and a bit of sand from a shoal. They are consumed with the casting of this spell.
Fireproof (Abjuration)
Level: 2
Range; 5 yds per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn + 1 turn per level.
Casting time: 2
Area of Effect: 10 yd. rad. +5 yds. per level
Save: None
- This spell is cast on items within the spell radius to protect them from ordinary fires. Only one type of item can be protected, and that type must be named when the spell is cast: masts, for instance, or sails. If the spellcaster seeks to protect two things at the same time, two separate fireproof spells must be cast. The spell prevents ignition by normal fires, and bestows a saving throw against the effects of magical fire. If the saving throw is successful, the fire does not burn; if failed, half the normal damage is inflicted.
- The material component is a dash of baking soda.
Leomund's Many Life Preservers (Abjuration)
Level: 2
Range: 100 yds.
Components: V,S
Duration: 1 day per level
Casting Time: 3
Area of effect: Special
Save: None
- This spell creates one circular buoyant ring of force for each level of the caster. Each ring has sufficient buoyancy to keep two unarmored man-sized creatures afloat for the duration of the spell. The rings are virtually indestructible and cannot be harmed in any way short of dispel magic, disintegrate, or similar methods.
Morning Glory (Evocation)
Level: 2
Range: 50 yds. + 10 yds. per level
Components: V,S,M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 3
Area of effect: Special
Save: Half
- This spell creates a cone of flaming sparks that arc outward from the casters hands starting 10 wide at the base of the arc and ending with a 50-wide terminus. The sparks range in color from red to white.
- Creatures in the fan suffer no direct damage but must save vs. spell or have any combustible clothing or gear catch fire. Any ship caught within the arc suffers 1 point of structural damage per three levels of the caster, up to a maximum of 5 points of structural damage. Thus, a 9th-level mage would cause 3 points of structural damage. Damage is from drying out the hull or rigging, causing snapping or fraying, or from small fires caused by the sparks. If the ship makes a successful saving throw vs. magical fire, it suffers only half damage.
- The material component is a handful of iron filings.
Plug Leak (Alteration)
Level: 2
Range: 10
Components: V,S
Duration: 2 hours + 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 2
Area of effect: Special
Save: None
- This spell creates invisible walls of force that plug small leaks in a ships hull, shore up cracks and splits, and otherwise temporarily repair similar structural damage. One point of hull damage for every two levels of the caster can be repaired in this way to a maximum of 10 hull points. These force barriers eventually weaken and break but allow time for proper repairs to be conducted. This spell is most commonly used during battle, when there isnt time to effect proper repairs.
Sashelan Blessing (Alteration, Enchantment/Charm)
Level: 2
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 2
Duration: 2 hours/level of caster
Area of Effect: 1 target/3 levels of caster
Saving Throw: None
- This Oceanus elf-created spell places the target person into a state of deep slumber as its most immediate effect. It infuses the target(s) with the ability to breath water, survive underwater pressure, and remain dry (including all belongings held when spell was cast) while under the effects of the Sashelan blessing. If the target of the spell remains above water, he continues to breathe air, but the spell only lasts for two rounds per level if the target is not submerged.
- The spell leaves a minor coral-pink glamour over the target that is visible only in the upper 50 feet of water. Once submerged below that point, the shifts in color make it invisible except by detect magic spells. This spell cannot be cast on someone who already has some active water-breathing magic (or the innate ability) active in his system, nor does it work on any creatures larger than Medium size. Like a normal sleep spell, the targets slumber can be broken by damage or loud noises, but the hum of the deep (the constant background noise of the sea and its inhabitants) or any non-damaging impacts (with dolphins or the like) are not enough to break the spell. If the target is awakened, the water breathing effect remains for only 1d6 rounds.
- Created during the days peace which followed the signing of the Treaties of Benefice in the year 1373 of the Fourth Age, this spell was created with the goal of allowing better relations between the Oceanus elves and the Arrakian humans. Sashelan blessing allows sea elves to immobilize struggling surface dwellers in danger of drowning and provide them with the means to survive a trip either to shore or other safe havens. In ideal casting situations, folk would know what was occurring and voluntarily submit to the spell, knowing it spared them the sometimes terrifying trip down through the depths to the haven of an Oceanus elf city.
- Now, the few elves and humans that know it think of it as a rescue spell for overboard sailors that allows them to survive until they can be brought to shore. Numerous sailors of the Turactic Ocean have been saved by this spell, but the slumber it places upon them results in their continued doubt that tritons, merfolk, or sea elves really exist in numbers.
- Rarity: Rare, but approaching Uncommon. This spell is known to the shipping guilds of Eirbron and the City-state of Rush, and is known by a number of wizards of the Republic of Cylene. Several other wizards scattered across the Great North Coast also know this spell.
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