Level 3 Sea Magic
- Buoyancy (Alteration)
Level: 3
Range: 150 yds.
Components: V,S
Duration: 1 hour + 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 4
Area of effect: One creature per level
Save: Neg.
- This spell causes affected creatures to float to the surface of the water as if they were as buoyant as cork. Even the most heavily armored knight can thus be suspended on the surface. Similarly, underwater creatures can be forced to surface in this way. The spell does not affect creatures more than twice the size of an average man. It affects only living things. Unwilling creatures can save vs. spell to avoid the effect.
Fantar's Reef (Alteration, Evocation)
Level: 3
Range: 200 yds. + 10 yds. per level
Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 hour + 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 5
Area of effect: One ship
Save: Special
- This spell is a more powerful version of Fantars shoal. It creates a reef-like construct of magical force underneath the oceans surface. Any ship striking this magical barrier sustains 1d4+1 points of hull damage per level of the caster. The ship can save vs. crushing blow for half damage. Unless the ships navigator makes a successful Navigation skill check, the ship has run aground for the duration of the spell. The casters level determines the size of the ship that can be affected:
Level |
Ship |
1-3 |
raft, canoe, small row boat |
4-6 |
row boat, outrigger, small long boat |
7-9 |
long boat, small barge |
10-12 |
large barge, fishing vessel |
13-15 |
small ship |
16-18 |
medium-sized ship |
19+ |
large ship, galleon |
- The barrier is invisible and indestructible, but a dispel magic spell negates it.
- The material component for this spell is a piece of coral of at least 500 gp value.
Ironwood (Alteration)
Level: 3
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 hour + 1 hour per level
Casting time: 6
Area of Effect: 2' x 2' x 2' of wood
Save: None
- Ironwood temporarily lends the strength of iron to the common wood used in a ship. This spell is most often used to reinforce the planking of a hull, and sometimes to brace spars and masts. Although the wood gains in strength, it becomes no more heavy. The 8-cubic-foot area of effect can protect an area of hull nearly 2' wide by 4' long. A sixth-level sea wizard, for instance, could make an almost 6 x 8 area iron-strong, or an area of 4' x 12'. Thus vulnerable areas near the waterline can be protected, or the prow reinforced if ramming is expected to take place.
- Ironwood doubles the amount of impact, stress or fire damage the effected area can normally sustain. Wood enchanted in this manner gains a saving throw against the effects of warp wood.
- The material components are a spike of iron and the dust of one small diamond of 500 gp value, consumed in spell casting. It is also possible to make this spell permanent.
Leomunds Lifeboat (Abjuration, Conjuration)
Level: 3
Range: 20 yds.
Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 day per level
Casting time: 5
Area of effect: Special
Save: None
- This spell creates a magically sustained lifeboat large enough to hold up to 10 humans or human-size creatures. It has a cover and a sail, and it provides shelter and warmth. It cannot be sunk or capsized through normal means. The boats stores provide food and water sufficient to sustain its passengers for the duration of the spell. The spell may be renewed by further castings before it expires. The lifeboat conjured, moves at a constant rate of 10 miles per hour.
- The material component of this spell is a miniature replica of the boat, made from the finest materials of no less then 1,000 gp value.
Mentap's Mine (Evocation)
Level: 3
Range: 30 yds. + 10 yds. per level
Components: V,S,M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 3
Area of effect: Special
Save: Half
- This spell creates a small ovoid sphere which appears on the hull of the vessel in question. The sphere is dark blue and blends in with the water. It is about 6 in diameter and cannot be removed from the ships hull by normal means.
- After a time specified by the caster, the sphere detonates with a large explosive force. Any creature within 30 of the blast suffers 1d6 hp damage per level of the caster; save vs. spell for half. The ship sustains 1 point of structural damage per level of the caster (save vs. magical fire for half) and may be set on fire. The caster can cause the charge to detonate up to half an hour plus one minute per level after the charge is placed.
- A thief who makes a successful Remove Traps check can disarm the sphere.
- The material component for this spell is a small wad of sulfur and pitch placed inside a sealed steel tube.
Narcomb's Battened Hatches (Alteration, Abjuration)
Level: 3
Range: 10 yds.
Components: V,S
Duration: 1 hour per level
Casting Time: 8
Area of effect: One ship
Save: None
- This spell causes all the hatches, doors, and windows on a ship to close tightly. If these have locks or seals, they bolt themselves in place; however, they are not wizard locked. A magical watertight seal comes into being around all the hatches. No force of wind or wave can burst the hatches. Unless otherwise locked or barred, intelligent creatures can still open and close the doors normally. Opening or closing hatches does not affect the duration of the spell.