Level 4 Sea Magic
- Amgig's Rowers (Alteration, Conjuration)
Level: 4
Range: 20
Components: V,S
Duration: 1 hour per level
Casting time: 6
Area of effect: One ship
Save: None
- This spell creates banks of magical glowing oars on the sides of a vessel that row with their own power. For each level of the mage, the oars increase the vessels movement by one mile per hour, up to double the normal movement rate. If the mage maintains concentration on this spell, he can direct the speed and direction of the vessel with the oars; otherwise, the ship goes straight forward at its maximum movement rate. The oars are magical constructs. Although they can be dispelled, they cannot be damaged by normal means.
Elemental control (Abjuration)
Level: 4
Range: 10 yds. + 1/level
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting time: 1 round.
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Save: Special
- This spell allows the caster to seize control of an elemental summoned by someone else. The caster has a 50% base chance of success; the roll is adjusted by ±5% for the difference in level or Hit Dice between the caster and the creature he seeks to control (in the case of a free-willed elemental) or the difference between the original summoner's level and the caster's. If an elemental is summoned through the use of a scroll or magic item, the effective casting level of the scroll or item is used to determine the chance for success. Only one attempt to control may be made per creature; if the caster does not seize control of the elemental, no future efforts will succeed. If the effort is successful, the elemental obeys the wishes of the caster for the remainder of its stay on the physical plane.
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