Level 7 Sea Magic
- Spectral Navigator (Conjuration, Summoning)
Level: 7
Range: 10
Components: V,S,M
Duration: 1 hour per level
Casting time: 10
Area of effect: Special
Save: None
- This spell creates a ghostly, quasi-tangible navigator who will, for the duration of the spell, steer the ship. The navigator unerringly avoids all natural obstacles, if possible, and always takes the course most likely to allow a vessel to reach port safely. The spectral navigator is immune to all physical and magical attacks, but may be dispelled by a successful dispel magic.
- The material components of this spell are a tiny golden ships wheel and a chart with the ships position at the time of casting and the desired destination plotted.
Summon wind (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 7
Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: One ship
Save: None
- With this spell the sea wizard calls up a steady wind to fill his sails and blow the ship in a desired direction. The wind never blows harder than required for a moderate rate of travel, but it is completely reliable for as long as it lasts. It is unaffected by prevailing winds. To cast this spell, the wizard must know the true name of a wind elemental, whose help he calls upon to direct the magical winds. If the same elemental has been called previously, there is a 5% cumulative chance per summoning that the elemental refuses to serve. If this happens, the elemental arrives, but is uncontrollable.
- Once the spell is successfully cast, the duration of the resulting wind must be determined. First, make an Intelligence ability check. If it fails, the wind blows for one hour and then dies out. If the check succeeds, the wind lasts all day or until dismissed by the wizard. For each day of sailing, another Intelligence check must be made. When the check fails, the wind ceases. The wizard may do other spellcasting while the wind blows, but once it stops it does not start again unless magically summoned once more.
- The material component is a flask of air captured and sealed in a bottle on the plane of Elemental Air or a bit of the air essence of a creature from that plane. The spell takes effect when the bottle is opened and the air released.
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