Level 8 Sea Magic
- Raise Vessel (Alteration) Reversible
Level: 8
Range: 20
Components: V,S
Duration: 1 hour per level
Casting Time: 9
Area of effect: One vessel
Save: Neg.
- This spell causes one sunken vessel to be raised intact to the surface of the sea. If a vessel is sinking or only partially submerged it is raised and held afloat by the power of this spell as well.
- The reversal of this spell, sink vessel (the effect of which is permanent), causes the recipient vessel to sink below the waves in 2d4 rounds. The ships captain is allowed a save vs. spell to avoid this effect.
Waterspout (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 8
Range: 100 yds + 10 yds. per level
Components: V,S
Duration: 1 turn + 1 turn per level
Casting time: 6
Area of Effect: 10 yd. radius
Save: None
- When this spell is cast, a tornado forms on the surface of the water. The resulting waterspout is 10' high for every level of the caster. If the spellcaster wishes, the waterspout can be shorter than this maximum, decreasing in increments of 10 feet.
- The waterspout travels wherever the caster directs it at a speed of MV 12, up to the maximum range of the spell. It attacks as a monster with as many Hit Dice as the caster's level. If the waterspout comes in contact with objects on sea or in the air, it inflicts 1d4 of damage for every 10' of height that it has.
- A waterspout is not affected by dispel magic, but can be countered by wind elementals or other winds of magical origin (like summon wind), blowing in a direction counter to the waterspout's rotation. Each level of the opposing wind reduces the waterspout by 10 feet. Thus, a 210-foot waterspout could be completely countered by seven gust of wind or three summon wind spells.
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