Level 9 Sea Magic
- Tsunami (Evocation)
Level: 9
Range: Special
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Special
Save: None
- When this spell is cast, an underwater earthquake is generated that in turn creates a gigantic wave. The wave is high, fast-moving, and is most destructive when it washes over a shoreline, swamping everything in its path as it roars inland. Tsunami can be cast anywhere but is dangerous to the caster unless cast at sea in deep waters.
The first effect of this spell is identical to the seventh-level priest spell, earthquake, centered beneath the sea wizard's feet and spreading in a line in the direction he wishes the tsunami to follow. If cast in deep waters, the vessel tosses and heaves a bit, but does not endanger anyone. In water less than 50 yards deep, a Seamanship skill check is required for the ship's master and crew to maintain control of their vessel amid the suddenly heaving waves.
- A tsunami is most effective when cast approximately one-half to one mile offshore. At that range it is ruinous along a one-mile stretch of beach front, devastating structures along the shore where it hits and destroying everything for 1/8 mile inland. The next 1/4 mile inland suffers heavy flooding. Saving throws vs. spells are required for persons caught in the 1/8 mile danger zone to escape with their lives, or vs. disintegration for structures to survive the giant wave. Within the 1/4 mile flood zone, roll percentile dice to determine how much damage is done to buildings, and allow persons to try to swim or run to safety.
- If the tsunami is triggered closer to shore, it effects half as much beach front (a half-mile stretch); if triggered farther out to sea, it hits two to three miles of beach front. In either of these instances, however, the tsunami has either dissipated some of its violence, or not had enough room to develop heavy wave action. In such cases, there is no 1/8 mile danger zone along the coast. Waters rush only 1/4 mile inland; flood damage and human endangerment are treated as in the 1/4 mile inland zone described above.
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