The agricultural Kingdom of Carthonia has an inadequate military for its own defense and exists at the pleasure of the Empire of Roland and the Kingdom of Urssia. It is governed by a weak ruler and its people are generally uneducated and poor.
Rulers: King Neagard Partony IV (Fighter 12); Duke Otto Dreslen (Fighter 15); Prince Rolph Partony (Fighter 14); Duke Valentin Danz (Fighter 5); Duchess Corina Rilks (Fighter 18); Duke Franz Freida (Paladin 10).
Capital: Elgin (12,000); Major Settlements: Dreslen (11,000), Rilks (4,500), Danz (4,000), Freida (2,500); Human population: 1,340,000; Demihuman population: Gnomes (12,000), Halflings (10,000), Dwarves (2,000), others; Humanoid population: Orcs (Azog-bull: 30,000, Black Skull: 20,000); Hobgoblins (Dogsofstrife: 40,000; Hell's Wind (5,000); Goblins (10,000), Kobolds (8,000), ogres, trolls, giants, others.
Resources: Wheat, wool, wine, beer, salt, iron and tin.
During its golden age Carthonia enjoyed great prosperity as a trading and agricultural center, but a long succession of weak rulers and unsuccessful wars has left the kingdom ripe for invasion and its inhabitants broken.
Present day Carthonia is ruled nominally by King Neagard IV. However, the king barely manages to collect the minimal tribute he requests from the noble lords. Rebellion among the noble houses is rife and the royal house has neither the influence nor the power to do anything about it. Should Urssia or Roland invade the kingdom, the king would be hard pressed to raise an army, let alone turn back the invaders. In fact, many of the noble lords are as likely to join forces with the enemy as to support their king.
The king’s personal forces are hardly sufficient to maintain his personal demense, let alone the entire kingdom. However, he bolsters his position slightly by using the vast heridatry wealth of the monarchy for large gifts of tribute to both the Urssian king and the sorceror-king of Roland. Many of the noble houses are aware of the king's military weakness and know the tribute he pays is at best a temporary remedy to the monarch's problems. Many have taken it upon themselves to forge alliances through marriages and treaties with Urssia, Roland and other powers, hoping that if invasion should come they will be spared the loss of their lands, properties and lives.
In addition to other troubles faced by the kingdom, large numbers of humanoids dwell in the Smoking Glass Desert, the Spineridge Mountains and its foothills. While these tribes are far less of a threat than Roland or Urssia, they are a consistent menace. However, King Neagard has never actively sought to exterminate these tribes because he sees them as a tool for keeping the armies of the ambitious and rebellious noble lords in check.
King Neagard fully understands the dangerous circumstances within which his kingdom is now immersed, but does not have the intellect or experience to deal with them properly. He is not a stupid man, or in perspective, a terrible ruler. He is, however, a mediocre ruler lodged in a kingdom that has been falling apart for centuries. In other times, he quite possible could rule effectively, but circumstance beyond his control have made the present situation one to challenge even a great ruler. At best, he maintains a tedious balance of order upon a percipice which looks down into anarchy, rebellion and invasion.
One of Carthonia’s greatest ills is the lack of education among the general populace. The policies of King Negard’s ancestors were typically designed to keep the peasant population from advancing. King Neagard has taken a few small steps to remedy this problem, like repealing the edict which forbade peasants from attending schools or learning to read and write, but his attempts to correct a problem that has progessively worsened for years are too little and too late. One of the most pronounced results of the repression of the peasantry is that it has slowed the development of towns and cities. Fewer people learned crafts crafts that could have provided valuable export goods and tax revenue and few moved from peasantry to the middle class.
Carthonia today is largely an agricultural kingdom with close to 90 percent of the population living on sustenance incomes on the lands of noble lords. Geographically, Carthonia is a large kingdom but much of this land is barren desert. With the exception of a small number of desert nomads, the people of Carthonia live in the more fertile coastal lands and hill regions of the kingdom.
The primary products of Carthonia are wheat, wool, wine and beer. The kingdom also produces a limited supply of salt, iron and tin in sufficient quantities for export.
King Neagard maintains a personal force of 3,000 troops and an elite cohort (600 soldiers) of personal bodyguards. The noble houses can field a force of 15 legions among them, however, the king can only depend on half these forces responding to his call to arms. Except for a short swoth of coastline, Carthonia is landlocked. The kingdom’s navy is small and inadequate even for defense of the its small coastal holdings, consisting of only 32 antiquated warships. Of these ships, ten are owned personally by the king. The remainder are under the control of noble lords.
Settlements and Features
Following are descriptions of several important settlements, geographic features, and places of interest in the Kingdom of Carthonia.
Adard's Trail
Of the two roads that lead from Kesschloß to Dreslen, this is the longer. This winding mountain road doubles back on itself and requires four days to traverse. However, water, game, and forage for horses are plentiful on this forested highland route. Occasional farms and cabins nestle on either side of the road.
Roughly halfway between Kesschloß and Dreslen a small trail meanders from the road in a generally southern direction. About 10 miles down the trail, a gynosphinx lairs.
Read the following:
Standing in the middle of the barely visible path is a most unusual creature. The sleek lion's body is tense, as if it were about to spring, while its wings are outstretched. While the face is that of an attractive human female, it is drawn tightly. Clearly this beast has known her share of hardships. She does not appear to be overly friendly. A soft sound comes from her throat, something halfway between a growl and purr.
Any characters who know about gynosphinxes will know that she is far north of her usual stalking grounds. Should any ask her, she mutters something about "an unwarranted exile" but reveals no details. She stares at the characters with doleful, sardonic eyes and says, "If you give me an ioun stone, I'll tell you a secret."
If anyone in the group surrenders one of the magical stones to the gynosphinx, she tells them her "secret" and lets them pass. The gynosphix knows many secrets and will reveal one appropriate to the current adventure.
If the party has no ioun stone to give her, the heroes must barter. She will not accept any other gemstone or bauble, but she does ask for and accept a poem (which must be recited), some lore she does not already know, or a riddle. If the party gives her any one of these, she gives them her piece of knowledge and allows them to pass.
If the heroes give her nothing, she gives them one last chance by permitting them to answer a riddle of her own. Read the following to the characters cannot provide anything of their own:
"Very well then," she sniffs. "I will riddle you a riddle, and you must answer. If you are wrong, I have not yet had lunch, so I will eat you." Her eyes flash as she asks the riddle: "There is a box without hinges, key, or lid. Yet deep inside, a golden treasure's hid.What is it?"
The answer, of course, is an egg. If the adventurers guess correctly, she allows them to pass on south. If they do not, she loses her patience and attacks with her full fury.
Andeeyloplardii (sphinx, gyno-): AC -1; MV 15 Fl 24(D); HD 8; hp 59; THAC0 13; #AT 2; Dmg 2d4/2d4; SA spell-like abilities; SZ L (7' tall); ML fanatic (17); Int genius (18); AL N; XP 3,000.
Notes: Due to her high intelligence, she uses spells in creative ways. For example, if the party backs off to huddle and discuss plans, she eavesdrops by casting clairaudience. Spells (each usable once per day): detect invisibility, detect magic, read magic, read languages, locate object, dispel magic, clairaudience, clairvoyance, remove curse, and legend lore.
Bai River
This tributary of the Urrsian River forms the northern border between Carthonia and Urssia. It is navigable for most of its length.
Across the river from Baiburg (in Urssia) is the hospitable village of Brendel, population 700. The Brendel Inn is quite comfortable.
Castle Graythorn
Located in the wooded Shard Hills near the border with Urssia is the home of Margrave Hector Graythorn, 40, a giant of a man standing 6'5" tall and weighing 275 lbs. He is a widower but is doted upon by his daughter, Diedre. His son, Giles is an able warrior and enjoys hunting with his father. Lord Hector’s most trusted henchman is Sir Alan, a heavy set, middle-aged knight.
Danz, Duchy of
Duke Valentin Danz has only recently inheritied his title. He rules from the town of Danz.
Danz (Town)
This town of around 4,000 people is well known for its breweries. Beer from Danz is in demand throughout the kingdom.
Dark Redoubt
This small black stone tower hidden against the base of the Spineridge Mountains is the secret home of a Coven of Throsho. The Throshite priests do not wish t be discovered and will attempt to kill any travelers who stumble upon their temple hold. They are led by Gastir Nostis (P11) and Helna Korst (P8). Approximately, 20 rangin in level from 0-4 are also present. Naturally, Nostis also has control of several undead creatures that he uses as guardians.
Dreslen, Duchy of
The Duchy of Freida is the ancestrol domain of Duke Otto Dreslen and includes the town of Dreslen, Toralth, and Torbold Hillfort.
Dreslen (Town)
Dreslen marks the last outpost of civilization before the desolation of the Smoking Glass Desert begins. This is an ancient mining town that serves as the seat of power for Duke Otto Dreslen.
The town of Dreslen, established in 413 C.T., grew up around the Duchal Manor and has prospered and grown, primarily due to the rich mining operations in the area. The townsfolk have developed an independent, self-reliant attitude. They pride themselves for their ability to withstand hardship and consider their citzenship as Dreslenians more important than their loyalty to the king.
This isolated city is fortified with an earthen and stone wall with several towers. The town’s narrow streets wind and rise like the streets of Old Jerusalem. It has a decidedly Middle Eastern atmosphere strangely mixed with the Germanic -style of the rest of Carthonia. Despite its age, pride shows in the windows of the well-maintained shops and the clean boards and stone of the walkways. The buildings are flat-roofed and suited for the desert. An internal fortress supports a garrison. Three gates lead into the town. Some Bedhoin-type nomads frequent the bazaars and roam the streets. The food served in the inns is heavily spiced and usually includes some sort of pepper.
Anything an adventurer wants can be found in Dreslen. What follows is a quick list of the most notable establishments here.
Places of Interest
New Spulzeer Inn
The New Spulzeer Inn is a sprawling, two-story building that caters to wealthy travelers, traders, and caravan merchants. After almost 20 years, it is still run by its primary founder, Rafe Spulzeer (NG hm F8). Its specialty, one of Rafe's better ideas, is a collection of nine windowless, private meeting rooms where deals are made, goods are bartered, contracts are signed, and secrets are traded like the marbles of small boys. Orbs suspended
from the ceiling and enchanted with continual light provide illumination for the business conducted between these walls. The meeting rooms have no outer locks, just latches that secure from the inside to ensure privacy. Room prices are on the expensive side, but no other matches the place for guest services. Anyone staying here can leave his clothes outside his door, and they will be returned in the morning, clean and fresh.
In the interest of maintaining he proper atmosphere for his clientelle, Rafe decided not to include a tavern room in his building plans.
Trail's End Inn
The Trail's End Inn is a reflection of the Spulzeer. Carnat Trender (NE hm R6) is a retired adventurer with little imagination. The Trail's End vaguely resembles the Spulzeer, but at less than half the size of the original. Carnat doesn't offer a lot of services. Still, the place is clean and moderately priced.
Dragon Turtle Inn
The three-story Dragon Turtle Inn is the largest inn in Dreslen, The Turtle is actually the original Duchal manor. After a fire in 601 C.T. damaged much of the building, causing the duke to build new manor house nearby. an entrepreneur negoiated the purchase of the ruins, restored the building, and reopened it as the Dragon Turtle Inn.
The Turtle strives to create a nautical atmosphere in the landlocked center of south Carthonia, and it works. The shutters on the first floor windows, for example, are actually made of cemented chips of dragon turtle shell. The swinging sign in front of the inn was taken from a wharfside tavern in Rush, repainted with its new name, and then weathered to appear salt-stained.
Despite the contrived mood of the place, it is quite comfortable with many amenities. There are even two rooms on the second floor dedicated to hot baths. The prices here are moderate, the food excellent.
Shaundakul's Tavern
Shaundakul's Tavern is a comfortable, well-appointed roadhouse that serves what is reputed to be the best rabbit stew in Fälgorna. The name of the place is derived from the lodestone slab that serves as the counter top for the bar. It is said to have come from a ruined temple of a forgotten demigod of caravans. The owner is Mier Ompson (N hm F0), the food quality is good, and the prices are low enough to appeal to caravan drivers and officers of the guard.
The major temples of the town include temples to Lorminstra, Erus, Rosmerta, Ferro and Ulaa. All the temples are found in the main circle toward the center of town. Each is a cathedral-size structure.
Temple of Lorminstra: This temple also serves as a cloister to priestesses who have chosen to seclude themselves from the affairs of the world. The leader of the temple, Reverend Mother Katrina, is around 30-years-old with misty eyes and white streaks marking her hair as if she has experienced many frightening things in her life.
The Badger's Den
The Badger's Den tavern is on the seedy side. While the prices are inexpensive, the quality of the food and drink are fair at best. This place is probably best avoided, even if it is the largest rumor mill in Dreslen. The Badger's Den is frequented by hard-bitten caravan drivers, earth-toughened miners, and brutish guards who love to administer beatings. Still, the atmosphere is friendly. The peg-legged Colis Goldsfall (N hm R1) runs this place with the help of his daughters, Jehan (N hf F1; STR 18/27) and Marila (N hf F1; STR 18/40) both over 6-feet tall and just 16-years-old. Visitors to the Badger's Den, often hear disgruntled caravan guards discussing things such as the poor quality of Sir Ossis's arms and armor (see below).
Nastral's Provisioners
The Vinson family runs the largest outfitters in Dreslen. Nastral Vinson (NE hm T4) offers a wide variety of goods. The Vinsons are quiet people, staying out of the limelight as much as possible. There are rumors about Nastral's father, now dead, and some unpleasantness he was involved in with the King, but here, no one cares. Still, the Vinsons prefer the comforts of tranquil obscurity.
Bear Claws and Baby's Breath
Hidden behind a respectable front as an herbalist and midwife, Raseckel Ansteler (LN hf W5) sells spell components, alchemical paraphernalia, and supplies at 150% of standard prices. Raseckel doesn't like people much, so she chose a name that would mystify, trusting that her few acquaintances would spread the word in the magical community. They did, but she charges so much that people rarely shop there, which is fine with Raseckel. Any supplies that magic-using patron needs can be found here.
Arms of the Noble Knight
There is an armory, Arms of the Noble Knight, run by an elderly, massively muscled graybeard who calls himself Sir Ossis (LN hm F16) and doubles as a weaponsmith. His upper body appearance, however, is merely a remnant of his youth: Those massive muscles have long since withered, leaving in their place only the image of strength. His weapons and shiny plate armors feel light, fit perfectly, and look wonderful. Unfortunately, his weakness forces him to use substandard steel alloyed with a fine, bright metal he discovered in the Grey Teeth Hills. He keeps the location, and the very existence of the metal, a closely guarded secret. Ossis does all the mining himself.
Ossis's prices are inexpensive. In fact, most warriors think they are stealing from him until the purchases are put to the test. Sir Ossis's swords have a 50% chance of breaking on first impact and a 25% chance each strike thereafter. His armor is not much better, except that there is more surface area to spread the force of the blows. It provides an Armor Class that is 1 point worse than normal, but this cannot be known until the first time the armor is struck. Sir Ossis's helms, breast and back plates, leg and arm harnesses all have a 35% chance of failure the first time they are struck, and a 10% chance each hit therafter.
If the heroes visit the Badger's Den, they hear disgruntled caravan guards discussing the quality of Sir Ossis's arms. Let buyers beware.
Dreslen Road
Of the two roads that lead from Kesschloß to Dreslen, this is the shorter. This road built over a thousand years ago remains one of the best in Fälgorna. It has been a major point of Carthonian pride to keep this ancient thoroughfare open and in good repair all year round. Maintenance is shared by the Duchy of Freida, the Duchy of Dreslen, and the King of Carthonia. Water and game are scarce on the road, and attacks by monsters are frequent. However, it is the preferred route for ore caravans because of its level, well-maintained surface. The journey through the Smoking Glass Desert requires approximately 2 days to complete.
Edge of Wind Clan
For more than a decade, the troops at Torbold have been engaged in continual battles with the Edge of Wind clan, a confederation of hill and desert giants. Their king, a giant named Fedduk, is a bit of a genius, at least for a desert giant. He managed to unite several desert giant clans in the Smoking Glass Desert and hill giants from the Grey Teeth Hills into a loose federation of raiders under his personal standard.
Once he enjoyed the advantage of knowing every inch of the Smoking Glass Desert and the Grey Teeth Hills as well as he knew his own scars. But after years of war, Major Olehm has learned this terrain almost as well, and his troops have found and destroyed most of the giants' hiding places in the area. Olehm and his forces are beginning to drive the giants back into the Smoking Glass Desert. The hill giants often hunt with dire wolves, while desert giants hunt with giant jackals.
Visitors to the walled capital city of Elgin often remark at the beauty of the settlement. Streets are clean swept and store keepers polite. The bakers of the city have a reputation along the Great North Coast for creating some of the tastiest pastries in the land, especially the famous Belger Däch who is famous for his apple studel. Visitors should be sure to stop at his bakery, the Smiling Bear.
Like any port, this city of 12,000 supports a busy harbor with ship traffic coming in from the sea, and barge traffic coming from the Elg and Lucern Rivers. The king makes his home a short distance from the city at Partony Castle, but he also maintains a fortress on the west end of town. The kings personal bodyguard of 600 and approximately 1,000 additional troops are usually present in the city. Since this is the only major port in the kingdom, nearly all of the 32 warships of the kingdom's navy are stationed here.
The city supports major temples to Lorminstra, Manannan, Isla, Thirna, Ulaa, Fharlanghn, and Glurg. An annual fall festival to Glurg draws people from far and wide to taste the kingdom's beers and wines.
Visitors to the capital city can spend the night at the Riverside Inn or the Broken Stein Inn for a moderated price. Those seeking more luxurious accomodations are advised to seek out the Sauntering Slyph or the White Unicorn.
Elg River
This important commerce river has its source in the Upper Spineridge Mountains southeast of Moonhearth. East of Rilks the river is broken by many sets of rapids and sees little traffic by boats larger than a canoe. West of Rilks the river is navigable until it empties into the Sea of Cylene at Elgin.
Freida (Town)
Overlooking the shores of Trompete Lake on the east bank of the Yuruth River, the town of Freida serves as the seat of power for the Duchy of Freida. Vineyards, cattle and sheep farms dot the landscape on the road to this fortified town of 2,500.
In addition to the civilian population of miners, farmers, fishermen, craftsmen and merchents, this walled town supports 1,800 soldiers under the command of Duke Franz Freida, the town's chief resident. The army known as "The Freida Blues" is garrisoned at Blue Dragon Hold which overlooks Trompete Lake from a high bluff. It consists of three cohorts600 cavalry, 600 infantry, and 600 mixed infantry, archers, and engineers. The soldiers patrol the city and surrounding country. In the event of a siege, the town boasts six fortified towers equipped with heavy catapults.
Places of Interest
All of the described locations are found within the city walls.
Hamstrung Giant Inn
This inn has a high pinnacle roof with a large fire pit in the center of the common area. Trophies taken from hill, frost, and fire giants adorn the walls and hang from the ceiling. Included among the booty are shamanic holy symbols and spirit bags. Some of the tables are fashioned from giants’ shields. Typically, around 100 people fill the common area.
The inn’s proprietor Harold Haroldson (Juad, 7'5", 350 lbs, full head of thinning silver hair and a stubby silver beard) very willingly shares stories about his adventures slaying giants. He remembers how each trophy was taken.
A pair of dwarvesGimli Greatgirth (silverbeard and fat); and Dragor the Stone (brown beard)are frequent inn patrons. The dwarves are smiths for The Blues.
Major Cargunn's Military and Equipment Shoppe
Two doors north of the inn is Major Cargunn's Military and Equipment Shoppe. Major Cargunn (N hm F13) is retired from The Blues, and some say he continues to be involved in operations that require his (never specified) expertise. The major's store features items PCs may require and things they may not have thought of. In fact, he carries every item listed in the PHB and DMG equipment section priced at 500 gp or less.
Ambel's Herbs
Across the street and south of the Hamstrung Giant is Ambel's Herbs. Eudhis Bhamm (N hm W7) is a small, nervous man with an acid tongue. He sells herbs and a wide variety of spell components. Almost every conceivable spell component is for sale here at 200% the value listed in the PHB and the DMG, although Eudhis can be haggled down some.
Blue Dragon Hold
This strongly fortified castle is constructed of naturally blue-tinted stone. The garrison is led by Duke Franz' eldest son, Eno Franz (P11) and his lietenant, Carina Katzen (F11).
Gray Goose Provisioners
Next door to Ambel's Herbs sits Gray Goose Provisioners.The establishment is run by an elderly couple, Carn Wittsome (CE hm T10) and his concubine and partner Nethris Perndle (LN hf P4). The two fight constantly on all matter of subjects, but if any of the heroes can get the attention of either long enough to make a purchase, good rations and minor trail supplies can be had here for bargain prices.
Freida is home to two large temples near the town center.
Thirna's temple is called The Home of the Blessed Mother. Its grounds include an orphanage run with kindness by the Reverend Mother Carin Dortfrau (LG P12).
Erus' temple, The Towers of the Protecting Hand supports a private garrison of 150 devout followers and is led by Jan Henricks (P14).
The town also supports a small temple to Lorminstra, Morgantyr and a Pantheon temple.
Freida, Duchy of
The Duchy of Freida is the ancestrol domain of Duke Franz Freida and includes the town of Freida, Moonhearth, and Kesschloß to the south.
Grauezähne River
This tributary of the Rhime River flows out of the Upper Spineridge Mountains providing much needed water for Dreslen. It eventually terminates in the Smoking Glass Desert, swallowed by the endless sands. It is believed that the water empties into a sink hole and feeds an immense underground lake.
Greenman Inn
One day into the Veltwood forest on the road to Danz is the Greenman Inn, which is found in a clearing. The building is of natural wood and doubles as the dwelling place of the leprechaun, Seamus Callahan.
Grey Teeth Hills
These dry high hills border on the Smoking Glass Desert and rich with precious metals and gems.
The Kesschloß (Kess Castle) sits on the edge of the Smoking Glass Desert and guards the important trade roads to the rich mines of Dreslen. The 30' high, 6' thick walls were built more than 200 years ago and are now in constant need of repair.
This ouotpost under the control of the Duke of Frieda is where bungling recruits, inadequate soldiers, and corrupt officers are sent for punishment. Once assigned to Kesschloß, there is no recall. The garrison troops are male and female humans who are the dregs of Carthonian army, ranging between 0 and 6th level. The irony is that this fort is plays a vital role in protecting iron and precious metal shipments from Dreslen. Battles with humanoids in the area are common.
Kesschloß houses 400 soldiers and 35 officers with room for 900 more troops when needed. To make matters worse, the officer in command is Captain Arbas Rosznar (CE hm F9). Arbas is a rigid, brutal officer, roundly hated by everyone who has had contact with him. Rumor has it that he was a promising officer, rising from the ranks by virtue of his merit. One day, while on leave, he killed the lover of a very influential lady. His life was spared, but he was banished to Kesschloß and has led a bitter, angry existence ever since.
The Inn at Kesschlos has no name and is a complete dive. It costs 1gp per night plus a 1 sp deposit for the sheets. The stable is cleaner than the inn. The inn can, however, serve as a good source of informaton. If the the right people are asked (in other words, some of the few individuals here who aren't constantly spoiling for a fight, especially with outsiders), a few tidbits of information about each of the routes to Dreslen can easily be gathered.
Lanzen Keep
This impressive fortress sits atop a small mountain and is only accessible from the north side. This is the ancestral home of the Duchess of Rilk.
Luecern River
This important trade river is navigable from Danz to Elgin. However, from Rilks to Danz it is almost continuous rapids.
Moonhearth lies aournd 30 miles east of Trollford. Travel from Trollford requires a full day, but is an easy journey as the road passes over gently inclining hills.
This tiny farming village, nestled in a hidden valley at the foot of lightly forested section of the Upper Spineridge Mountains, resembles a street painter's dream. A single road splits a double row of business establishments, each with private living quarters above.
On the south side of Moon Street (the town's only street, actually) are several establishments, including The Red Forge (a blacksmith shop that also makes farm implements), Hampner's (a stable that sells horses and draft animals), Croder's Bakery, The Rusty Well (Moonhearth's sole tavern), and Moon Street Feed and Grain. On the north side of the street is the Temple of Thirna, Defna's Apparel (sells tough working clothes), The Hungry Wheel (a potter's shop), By the Yard (offers dry goods), and a freshly painted one-room village hall.
There is no inn, for visitors are rare and the townspeople would rather keep it that way. Visitors are usually put up in villagers' homes. Otherwise, lodging can be had in the stables.
There are no competing businesses. This is a place where everyone garners according to what he offers, never asking more, never accepting less. There is no great wealth in Moonhearth, but there is no poverty, either. There are about 250 people in town on any given day.
Law, or at least good behavior, is simply another fact of life in the village. The local clothier, Defna Plasseir, a small, smiling woman with a craggy, well-worn face (LG hf F8), is also the local constable on the rare occasions law enforcement is needed. Once a month she may have to drag a drunken farmer out of The Rusty Well, but then she just makes sure he's pointed on the road toward home. There is no jail in Moonhearth. Money is frequently left on shop counters to pay for goods when the shopkeeper is out. The money is always there when the proprietor returns, never even a copper short.
Temple of Thirna
The temple is a simple structure, 100 feet long and 50 feet wide. There is a double row of pews separated by a wide, center aisle. At the west end of the aisle, under a skylight that is open to the sun, is an altar. Off the altar and at angles to it to the right and left are doors. The right one leads to the Daughter's Vestry, the left to the cellar quarters.
Within the vestry is a small library of ritual notebooks, liturgy sheets, and some sacred texts. Since the Daughter is chosen annually by the village and has no formal training, most of the texts prepare her for her role and are used as constant references.
The left-hand door leads to a flight of stairs so narrow that large individuals need to tuck in their elbows as they descend. At the base of the stairs, a dirt-floored cellar that is as long and wide as the temple above stretches away into gloom. On the west end, below the altar, is a small, comfortable kitchen. A bare table and chairs stand in front of a large cast-iron cook stove that looks too big to have been brought down the stairs. Flanking the stove are cupboards.
Other NPCs:
Sharill Beaufort "Thirna's Daughter"
Sharill (LG P6) "lived" for a brief time in undeath as an eastern vampire before Morella Shalorn, an itenerant priestess of Lorminstra, Belar Silverfist, a Chosen of Clangeddin, and Tai Lung, a priest of Lilnana, freed her through the use of a resurrection spell (Castle Spulzeer Adventure). Sharill is one of those homely people with a heart so large it shines through her features. Most of the people of Moonhearth would call her beautiful, in spite of her pendulous nose and too large ears. Short and thin, she still looks like the child selected as Thirna's Daughter while still a teen. This youthful appearance only enhances the beauty the villagers see in her, especially now that she is nearly 30. Thirna especially favors Sharill and the priestess is renowned for her ability to help married couples through troubled times. Sharill's father Avadreal lives on a farm outside of town. Her sister, Arrayea, is married to Namble Swiftly.
Namble Swiftly
Namble Swiftly, a handsome, but overly tall man who serves as a Centurian for The Freida Blues, is married to Sharill's sister Arayea. He is indebted to Tai Lung and company who raised him from the dead several years ago. He is vigorous, trustworthy and gregarious and well-liked by most of the village. (R9: AC 0 (plate); MV 12 (6); HD 9; hp 59; THAC0 12 (11, magical long sword); #AT 3/2; Dmg 1d8+1/1d12+1 (magical long sword); SZ M (6'7" tall); ML elite (16); AL NG; XP 1,400. Notes: Tracking (85%). S 14, D 13, C 14, I 10, W 14, Ch 12. Special Equipment: Blackflame (a long sword +1, +4 vs. undead). Spells (2): 1st cure light wounds, remove fear (casts as a 2nd-level priest). Thief Abilities: MS 70, HS 56.)
Partony River
The Partony River (with the Castdon Mountains, the Trockener Mountains, and Gated Peaks) marks the western border of Carthonia. Most of the river is unavigable with rapids in the hills and numerous sandbars in the lowlands.
Rilks, Duchy of
The Duchy of Rilks is the ancestrol domain of Duchess Corina Rilks and exceptional (and beautiful) general. She rules her domain from Lanzen Keep in the Shard Hills.
Rilks (Town)
Rilks, a town of fur traders and farmers. is built in tiers which slope toward the river. Winding roads have been carved from the rocky landscape to navigate around boulders and rock outcroppings that are too difficult or time-consuming to remove.
Rilks Inn
Many travelers stay the night at the Rilks Inn, a non-descript place of average quality.
Wizards' Guild
The guild tower is a large structure topped by a faerie fire lit dome. The resident master, Glamdor, is very, very old. He looks like he’s ready to drop dead at any moment, but maintains a sharp wit. He has been master of Rilks’ Wizard Guild for 50 years. He treats his 16-year-old apprentice, Jeremy, none to kindly often referring to him as “Boy!”
The tower is built using extra-dimensional space, which makes it larger inside than out. Inside the tower, the normal laws of physics do not apply. The party notes 12 oil paintings of old men and women in wizard’s attire lining the entry hall. These are the past masters of the guild.
Shard Hills
The Shard Hills are a heavily wooded with pines and oaks. Vineyards, farms, small mining operations, manor houses and castles dot the countryside. Game is plentiful, as are monsters.
Silveraxe Keep
This is a training complex established by Belar Silveraxe, a Chosen of Clangeddin. The dwarven hero recruits dwarves across the land to come to his complex and train in the ways of Clangeddin.
The keep had formerly been the lair of an ancient vampire lord.
Torbold Hillfort
The Torbold Hillfort is the same size and contains the same elements as Kesschloß, but this one is very different. In the first place, even from a mile away, the fort looks clean and new. Snappy banners of the Duchy of Dreslen fly from its corner towers. The gates are guarded by proud men with clean uniforms. The guards are cheerful and exhibit an obvious pride in themselves and their units.
The difference between Torbold and Kesschloß is due to the commander. Major Tharundar Olehm (LN hm dual-F15/C2 of Erus), an adventurer who used his own money and his family's influence to get this post, has acquitted himself well as a leader of men and fighter of great prowess. While his methods have been unorthodox ("Unmilitary, most unmilitary," grumbles Captain Arbas of Kesschloß), his results have been spectacular. For over a decade now, Olehm and his men have fought the Edge of Wind desert giants, slowly gaining the advantage. The giants' summer raids continue, but the major's troops win more battles than they lose. Slowly, the giants are being pushed back into the Smoking Glass Desert. Major Olehm has done this almost single-handedly, receiving no help from Kesschloß nor from Dreslen. Receiving only his regular allotment of military conscripts each year, Olehm has managed to subdue stronger forces by making his own soldiers better. His troops are well trained; most are fighters of 4th to 7th level, and his officers are all 8th-level fighters.
Rare is the request for transfer out of Torbold. The Duke of Dreslen has even accused Olehm of creating a private army loyal only to himself. This is not true. He has achieved his current rank through the observations of others; Major Olehm just wants to do his job.
There is one large inn within the walls of Torbold, Bruder's Waystop. The inn serves excellent food at reasonable prices, has good rooms with clean sheets, and nightly entertainment in its tavern. A temple provides religious services: the large Hall of the Guardians, built under the influence of Major Olehm and dedicated to Erus, with shrines to Clangeddin, Nuada, and Shakraan. The Hall of the Guardians is an army temple and many of the troops have followed their major into and become priests, crusaders and paladins of one of the battle gods. Interestingly, while there are only a half dozen dwarves in the complex, the shrine to Clangeddin is often piled high with the skulls of giant-class creatures.
There is also a combination blacksmith and stables in the fort, two supply shops, a tailor who serves primarily officers, and an herbalist who sells spices and herbs for all purposes along with spell components at a small 10% mark-up.
This is a dark and lonely mining town on the south end of Adard's Trail with a population of around 1,000 people. The town's one dreary inn Maskar's Alehouse, offers a few rooms to let, bread and stew ("Served anytime!"), and a large public room. If the PCs enter the public room, frequented by rough-hewn farmers and dirt-covered miners.
At Trollford, the Troll Way crosses over the Elg River. This is the only safe ford east of Rilks. The Elg is deep and fast above and below Trollford. However, the steep hills slow the rushing torrents and shelter this shallow crossing.
Troll Way
The road south from Freida to Kesschloß passes through the rocky southern leg of the Shard Hills, crosses the Elg River at Trollford and continues to the crossroads at the edge of the rockstrewn scrub brush area on the eastern border of the Smoking Glass Desert.
Locals know the road as Troll Way and it is used mainly for trade and transport of ore from Dreslen.. It is, therefore, in excellent condition.
Every traveling group of more than three persons leaving Freida by the south gate for Kesschloß or Dreslen must be escorted by troops, and a fee of 3 sp is charged for the privilege. The fee is waived for locals traveling less than 30 miles and the "privelege of escort" may be waived for a charge of 5 sp per person.
It is said that in ancient times, this area was the center of the trolls' civilization, before they were forced to scatter and flee into the mountains. There are legends of lost magic and buried treasure, artifacts of the trolls, hidden in the Shard Hills. No one has ever found anything, but the tales persist.
Trompete Lake
This beautiful lake abounds with fish and fowl. It is an important resource for the town of Freida.
Urrsian River
This river marks the eastern border of Carthonia with Urssia. It is navigable from Zinnstadt to the coast.
This old growth forest is populated by trolls, giant-kin, and centaurs. Among the notable personalities is a treant named Velt.
Yuruth River
Isolated farmsteads raising cattle and sheep, as well as an occasional vineyard run alongside this river that is only around 300' wide for most of its length.The source of the river is in the Upper Spineridge Mountains from which it feeds the Trompete Lake where is found the town of Freida. The river eventually feeds into the Elg River.