

"Liberty & Prosperity! I'll take two handfuls and a large portion of Rosmerta's blessing to boot!" Senator Aurelis Narpathion, former merchant captain and free citizen of Cylene.
Rulers: Speaker Lucias Caepio (Bard 10); Admiral Sextus Cicero (Fighter 24); General Gaius Cobarius (Fighter 22).
Capital: Vandor (120,000); Major Settlements: Calixia (95,000), Garcone (80,000), Cicero (60,000), Feduceus (30,000), Sardoncia (20,000), Mina (12,000), Triest (8,000), Scipio (5,000)
Human Population: 3,825,000; Demihumans: Gnomes (100,000), Oldanquasti elves (20,000), halflings; Humanoids: few
Resources: Fish, Whales, Fur, Pearls, Wool, Silver.
The Republic of Cylene holds a unique position in the political environment of the sovereign states of the Great North Coast. A Senate elected from the countrys 27 provinces, not a king, nominally rules this island state. The Speaker elected from among the members of the Senate serves as head of state. The Speaker wields limited executive power and serves a term of nine years. However, despite founding principles deeply rooted in the belief that all citizens deserve equal representation, economic factors have tainted Cylenes electoral process.
The nations largest trading houses use their gold to buy political influence and to ensure the election of senators who remain friendly to their interests. However, they usually, but not always, stop short of outright bribery, preferring instead more subtle gifts to a senators favorite temple, artist, bard or a pet project. These houses wield tremendous power in affairs of state. However, these dubious relationships bear fruit for the citizens of Cylene as well as for the merchant houses. While Cylene has limited natural resources of its own ample fisheries, whale trade, furs, pearls, wool and silver from the Mardaine Hills the marriage of the merchant houses with the elected government have created a fertile field upon which the island state has grown into the economic giant of the region.
Of course, few trading powers maintain positions of economic superiority for long without the backing of a powerful military. In the case of the Cylenese, this backing comes in the form of a powerful navy, bolstered by treaties and tribute.
Cylene maintains a strong military and economic alliance with the City-state of Rush and the Kingdom of Tartony. Their treaty with the powerful City-state of Rush pledges mutual protection, but places Cylene in an awkward position when dealing with the Empire of Roland. The Empire by policy holds any dealings with its province in an unfavorable light. However, Cylene views its allegiance with Rush and Tartony as far more beneficial to them than to the their allies.
The geographic locations of Rush and Tartony in relation to Cylene, make these mainland allies ideal buffers against attack. Strategically, any force attacking the strongly fortified island republic would first have to control of Rush and Tartony or risk a devastating attack from behind. It remains unsaid, that a prolonged conflict between the Empire (or another enemy) and Cylenes allies would leave the republic in a position to more easily negotiate a peace treaty with a battle weary enemy. With the mainland states serving as the front line in the conflict, Cylene could also expect little damage to its own territory. This reality of politics, does not mean Cylene fails to honor its treaties in times of trouble. The Republic honors the treaties it enters, but only enters the treaties which serve the interest of the people.
While the imperial provinces of Nyfor, Ether and Arken cast covetous eyes toward the prosperous island republic, Cylene maintains terse relations with these lesser powers. The Senate remains confident in the capability of its military to repel any attack from these states, even an attack from an unlikely alliance of the three. Of course, their position could change if the Empire decided to substantially aid its satellite provinces in an effort to conquer the Republic. However, for reasons of his own, the emperor would not likely allow this scenario to occur. The Empire is loath to grant these conquered and subordinate regions too much military power. The emperor has a long memory, and he has not forgotten their past rebellious plays for independence.
Bandoran, the much-feared bandit kingdom, has presented a nasty problem for the Republic. Its navy, while strong, is not an omnipotent force and is ill-equipped to protect all the merchant vessels plying the northern waters, especially from Bandorian pirates using hit-and-run tactics. Therefore, the Senate has entered into an agreement with the bandit kingdom whereby it pays an exorbitant protection fee to insure its shipping interests. The amount of the fee is not general public knowledge, but some guess it is more than two million gold pieces a year.
Cylene remains neutral in regard to its relations with its other coastal neighbors: Urssia, Carthonia, Bartravia, Dolan, Paladondia and Eirbron. It view these kingdoms only as potential markets for its trade goods. Of course, the ships of the Republic sail to ports throughout the continent and more distant destinations.
In most cases, the Senate has arranged trade terms with its trade partners that favor the Republic. Cylene offers little to these kingdoms in return and charges high tariffs on imported goods which compete with domestic products. In recent years, this policy has developed into a source of tension, but until recently none of the affected kingdoms have taken substantial action outside of diplomatic routes. However, recently both Urssia and Eirbron have begun to wage a "secret" war with the Republic through the use of letters of mark which allow privateers legal right to plunder ships from the Republic. Some believe undo influence by the powerful merchants of House Quentari has instigated the issuance of the letters. The rivalry between the Republic and House Quentari verges on open hostility. Nothing can be proved however, and the letters of mark have been given in secret and are adamantly denied within official circles.
The Senate takes seriously its duty of upholding the motto of the country, "Liberty and Prosperity." It believes one of the best ways to do this is through the presence of a powerful military. The military forces of Cylene are by and large a volunteer force of professional soldiers. However, the Senate has instituted draft laws in the past to bolster the military when it has been deemed necessary for the defense of the state.
The undisputed power of Cylenes navy keeps its people safe. With more than 3,000 warships and at least twice as many galleys and support vessels, the Republic rules the waves. Among the Republican naval forces are six legions of highly trained professional marines. In addition, an elite unit, known as the Knights of Orca, provides additional support to the conventional naval forces. These highly trained warriors ride the waves on the backs of killer whales. Each warrior has trained in slowing respiration for extended dives without the use of magic and can maintain their footing on the back of a whale during combat without the use of their hands. The Knights of Orca typically train with a special war harpoon, crossbow and long sword. Each is equipped at the expense of the state with a helm of underwater action and backup rings of free action and water breathing. Some also utilize such items as cloak of the manta ray, trident of summoning, and other powerful sea-based magical items.
Cylenes army consists of eight legions of heavy infantry, and one legion of light cavalry. In times of great need, the number of soldiers could be tripled through the use of the draft and the hiring of mercenaries.