
Rulers (Human): King Richard Lefevere (Fighter/16) Human; Prince Macelvey Lefevere
(Mage/9) 2nd son; Prince Jeremy Lefevere (Fighter/8) 5th son;
Duke Ludwig von Niesen (Mage 14) Half-elf
Rulers (Dwarf): King Doran Thurgan Thunderfist (Fighter/12) Dwarf; Prince Helwig
Thunderfist (Fighter/13) 1st son; Prince Gilmesh Thunderfist (Fighter/9)
2nd son; Duke Baltrighin Gathulug of Stormmine (Fighter/9) Dwarf
Capitals: Helgens Hold (8,000), Zarin (20,000); Major Settlements: Dwarf: Dzur Mine (4,000), Giltrod (2,200), Aaraguth (1,000);
Human: Grey (12,000), Hels Mines (8,000), Findels Glory Hole
(5,000), Spiritford (1,000)
Human Pop.: 270,000+; Demihumans: Dwarves (Gabilgathol: 50,000); Gnomes (15,000), Elves (1,000);
others; Humanoids: Orcs (Ruinous Renegades: 2,000+), Hobgoblins, others
Resources: Platinum, Gold, Gems, Iron, Silver, Copper
Years of open warfare between the dwarves of the Gabilgathol clan and human settlers in Zorgos ended abruptly around three centuries (702 CT) ago when invading armies from the evil Empire of Roland threatened to overrun this rich mining kingdom. Faced for the first time with an adversary who had defeated the strong garrisons that both the humans and the dwarves maintained at virtually impregnable mountain fortresses which guarded the strategic mountain passes to the rich mining country in the interior, the former rivals joined to repel the enemy. The leaders of both the humans and the dwarves agreed it would be better to share the abundant fruits of the earth over which they had been squabbling for years than to share in the total loss of those fruits to an enemy more powerful than either side singly.
This alliance between the dwarf king Dzudin Brittlelip and the human king Jared Lefevere resulted in the raising of an army of nearly 40,000 mixed dwarf and human troops which met the forces of the Empire at Needlecrak Pass. A small allied force of approximately 5,000 harassed the nearly 100,000 troops of Roland for seven days before they were able to meet the remainder of their force in Hfledan Valley. There the allies mounted an offensive; using their superior mountaineering skill to their advantage they defeated the invading force, killing nearly 90,000 imperial troops while loosing less than 5,000 of their own. The remaining imperial forces routed and were all but destroyed as they retreated through the treacherous mountain passes of Zorgos. Having learned a powerful lesson in humility, the Empire has not tried to invade Zorgos since their historic defeat. The Battle of Hfledan Valley is commemorated on Quinand 2 by both the dwarves and humans with holiday festivities.
After the decisive defeat of the Imperial forces, the kings of the humans and dwarves agreed that it would be in the best interest of both peoples to maintain their alliance. On Noldar 8, 702, the kings signed a treaty in which they agreed to share the benefits and responsibilities of ruler ship of the dwarf and human population of Zorgos. In theory the two kings were to rule equally over the people of the land, the dwarven king ruling below the mountains and the human king above, but in reality the kings and their ancestors have continuously vied for power each trying to gain the upper hand through politics rather than open conflict. At the moment the dwarven king holds that upper hand, but his position is precarious and any small event could sway the balance to the other side.
Both kings rule as feudal lords and their noble vassals play an important role in their ability to rule effectively. Nobles on both sides have designs on the throne, but the dwarves with their basically lawful society have the advantage in this respect. Zorgosian society pays ample respect to class status. A noble holds the power of life and death over his subjects and he knows it.
Each noble lord provides his king with troops for a quarter of year. These troops comprise the standing armies of Zorgos. Human troops number 1,000 heavy infantry and about 7,000 light infantry including specialized mountain troops and archers. Dwarven troops number 2,000 heavy infantry and 2,500 light infantry. A force of nearly 40,000 can be raised in times of great need. The mountainous terrain of the kingdom prevents the effective use of cavalry.
The settlements of Zorgos revolve around the many rich mines of the mountain kingdom. A traveler can always tell that a large settlement is near by the murky cloud of smoke from the smelters lingering just over the next ridge. Zorgosian towns are dirty places; the stone buildings uniformly stained by the polluting byproducts of ore refining. Most foreigners find the sweltering stench of the cities unbearable. Smaller settlements dot the mountain meadows where farmers etch a living by tilling the soil in the short growing season and by herding sheep.

- copper pence (round) = 1 cp
- copper nugget (round) = 5 cp
- silver crown (round) = 1 sp
- silver buckle (rectangle) = 1 ep
- gold crown (round) = 1 gp
- platinum crown (round) = 5 gp
- platinum twin crown (round) = 10 gp
- platinum majesty (triangle) = 25 gp
- platinum twin throne (diamond) = 50 gp
- platinum peak (pyramid) = 500 gp