AD&D Al-Qadim Campaign Setting

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Al-Qadim Campaign Setting Essentials and Boxed Sets
Al-Qadim: Arabian Adventures (2126)
- Magic carpets, ghoulish victims, genies rising from the sand in a whirlwind of smoke and fire - such wonders, spun into tales by the fabled Scheherazade, enchanted a king for a thousand and one nights.
- The AL-QADIM campaign will enchant role-players for a thousand and one more. You are about to discover an exotic realm inspired by the tales of Sinbad, Ali Baba, and other classics from the Arabian Nights. The first in a series of products, this volume features everything DMs and players need to launch the AL-QADIM* campaign: New rules for adventure, including desert survival, turning the hand of Fate, and averting the mysterious power of the evil eye; New roles to play: bold desert raiders, swashbuckling corsairs, clandestine slayers, mystic clerics, wizards of fire, sorcerors who command the genies, and more - over 20 roles in all!; New proficiencies, from camel-riding to haggling at the bazaar; New spells and a unique realm of magic, featuring the provinces of flame, wind, sea, and sand.
- An introduction to Zakhara, Land of Fate, a new setting for the AL-QADIM campaign.

City of Delights Boxed Set (1091)
- Golden Huzuz, the City of Delights, is the "heart of the heart" of the enlightened lands. It is the religious and political center of Zakhara and, say its inhabitants, the most beautiful city in the entire world. But beneath the beauty lies mystery, for the court of the Grand Caliph is as full of intrigue as the Grand Bazaar is full of adventures waiting to happen. Come, explore the delights and dangers of Huzuz the Golden, heart of the AL-QADIM campaign world.
- Contents: 2 guidebooks totaling 192 pages; 8 full-color reference cards; 8 MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM sheets; 1 clear map overlay for measuring distance; 2 full-color poster map sheets!

Land of Fate Boxed Set (1077)
- Ride a magic carpet to the land of a thousand and one adventures! Visit spired cities, lush oases, and mysterious isles set in glittering seas. Meet sultans and sheikhs. See genies and giants. Discover a trove of new magical treasures! Wheter your character starts from the compatible FORGOTTEN REALMS game setting or begins the journey elsewhere, this box contains everything a bold adventurer needs to explore the exotic AL-QADIM campaign world.
- Contents: 2 guidebooks totaling 192 pages; 12 full-color reference cards; 8 Monstrous Compendium sheets; 3 full-color poster maps; 1 clear map overlay for measuring distance.
MC13 Al-Qadim Monstrous Compendium Appendix (2129)
- Glittering treasures lie undisturbed in darkened caves. Angry genies seethe in magically-sealed bottles. Gigantic birds of prey roost atop unscalable mountain peaks. Sea serpents twist and sliter beneath blue waves. Alongside a world of stunning beauty and idyllic leisure exits a harsh realm of legendary beasts and monsters.
- The AL-QADIM appendix for your Monstrous Compendium contains 64 pages of monsters drawn from the fables of the Middle East. The creatures in this appendix are perfect for an AL-QADIM campaign, or for spicing up any AD&D game desert setting.

The Complete Sha'ir's Handbook (2146)
- Discover the secrets of sha'irs, who counsel and cavort with genies. Unravel the mysteries of elemental mages, who bend flame and sand to their will! This magical tome holds a wealth of new information about Zakhara's exotic wizards and their dazzling enchantments. Within you'll find new kits, from clockwork mages to spellslayers. Here too are new spells and proficiencies, plus clandestine and nefarious societies - exposed at last! A must-have for all Dungeon Masters and wizard players in the AL-QADIM campaign.
