- Half-elves are the most common mixed-race beings. The relationship
between elf, human and half-elf is defined as follows: 1) Anyone
with both elfin and human ancestors is either a human or half-elf
(elves have only elfin ancestors); 2) If there are more human
ancestors than elfin, the person is human; if there are equal
numbers or more elves, the person is half-elfin.
Half-elf warrior
- Half-elves are usually much like their elfin parent in appearance. They are handsome folk, with the good features of each of their parent races. They blend easily with either race, being only slightly taller than the average elf and weighing about 150 lbs. They typically live about 250 years. They do not have all the abilities of the elf, nor do they have all the flexibility of the human.
- In some of the less civilized nations, half-elves are viewed with
suspicion and superstition. In more civilized areas, elves and
humans alike neither accept or disdain half-elves. They are able
to associate with both races, but are always looked upon as somewhat
less than they are. Both races, despite good intentions, have
a subconscious stigma against these half-breeds.
- Half-elves do not form communities among themselves, rather, they
can be found living in both elfin and human communities. The reactions
of the humans and elves to half-elves ranges from intrigued fascination
to outright bigotry.
- In general, a half-elf has the curiosity, inventiveness, and ambition
of his human ancestors and the refined senses, love of nature
and artistic ability of his elfin ancestors. However, half-elves
never seem to fit in. They tend to be loners always trying to
belong. The life of a half-elf can be thankless, never knowing
whether he is accepted for what he is or out of pity.
- Half-elves with an Oceanus Elf parent have a 50% chance to be
born with gills and thus have the ability to breath underwater.
All Half-elves have the following abilities:
- Half-elves may spend skill slots at first level to learn any of
the following languages: Common Elf, any elf dialect, Gnome, Halfling,
Goblin, Hobgoblin, Orc, Gnoll and any human language. Half-elves
may learn Trade Tongue normally, and can choose a human language
or Common Elf and an elf dialect as their native language.
- Half-elf characters are 30% resistant to sleep and charm spells.
- Half-elves have 60' infravision.
- Secret or concealed doors are difficult to hide from Half-elves. Merely passing within 10 feet of a concealed door (one hidden by obstructing curtains, etc.) gives the character a 3 in 20 chance of spotting it. If the character is actively seeking to discover hidden doors, he has a 7 in 20 chance of spotting a secret door and a 10 in 20 chance of locating a concealed door.
- Half-Elves may add one point to their initial Charisma or Dexterity score.