

Rulers: Grandmarshal Tarken Welthor (Fighter/33); General Felkin Haus, Chief of Staff (Fighter/30); Admiral Sej Wilkonson (Fighter/31)
Capital: Ornivo (11,000) Major Settlements: Stinithlo (5,000), Vestfor (4,000)
Human population: 150,000; Demihumans: few; Humanoids: Hobgoblins, Orcs, others
Resources: Lumber, Cheese, Beef, Beer, Wool.
The Province of Ether bears note because of its vital role in the training of the sorcerer-king’s legions. The economy of this region centers around the support of the training facilities for Roland’s military forces. It is not the only location used for training, but it is by far the largest. Ether has been chosen because of its diverse terrainin a small geographic area. The environment in Ether is generally harsh year round, serving to provide ideal situations for crisis training and its position as a pennisula makes it highly suitable for naval training also.
Grandmarshal Tarken Welthor, a Juad warrior known the world over as a canny strategus with a genius for preveiling even when faced with the most difficult situations, rules this semi-autonomous province of the Empire of Roland. He rules the province under strict military law. Civilians and military personel alike are subject to the military courts. Often when he is disatisfied with the number of new recruits in training, he will order his officers to visit local villages to press into service their young men and women.
The province supports seven major land-based training facilities and three naval facilities. Approximately 18,000 soldiers and sailors are in training here at any given time. In addition to the trainies, a force regular military of roughly equal size supports them.
One of the most prominent features of Ether is the Officers Training Academy in Ornivo. The academy trains the sons and daughters of noble lords, as well as promising soldiers drawn from the ranks, in the arts of war, oppression and occupation. The academy also serves as an indoctrination center designed to create loyal followers of the sorcer-king.
Aside from the support of the military training facilities, Ether produces little that is not used by the military. Were it not for the military’s drain on its resources the province could produce enough lumber, agricultural productsespecially cheese and beef-and beer to export.
The civilian population is generally happy with its lot, the presence of the military ensures the residents with a steady flow of income and many specialty items are available in the larger towns of Stinithlo and Vestmor. The towns are ruled nomitavely by civilian mayors. Within city limits civilian law is in effect, but they usually send law breakers from the military to the military courts for prosecution.