
Rulers: The Ard Righ, Most Holy of Lilnana, Merik Cailidin (Priest of Lilnana/25); Emory, Duke of Calnsey, Defender of the Faith, High Knight of the Fraternal Order of Protective Eagles (Paladin of Lilnana/24); Matriarch Julia Furnhall, High Priestess of Lilnana (Priest of Lilnana/14); Menlo, Duke of Georgebridge, High Wizard of the Court of Eirbron (Mage/19)
Capital: Verbronia (pop. 60,000); Major Cities: Fathritch (pop. 20,000), Carper (pop. 5,000), Great Crossing (pop. 2,500), Saltmarsh (pop. 2,000), Frontier (pop. 1,100), Odbanwyll (pop. 1,000)
Human Pop.: 1,089,000+; Demihumans: Gnomes (7,000); Elves (1,000); Halflings (700); others; Humanoids: Orcs (Deathfinger: 800+), Hobgoblins (Lostafinga: (?))
Resources: Foodstuffs, Armor, Weapons, Gold, Gems: III-IV
The Kingdom of Eirbron plays a vital roll in the economic and cultural activities of the nations of the Great North Coast Region. As the eastern most nation in the Great North Coast Region its strategic value as a sentinel against the barbarian and monstrous hordes of the frontier is significant. The Ard Righ of Eirbron has sworn alliance with the High King in Kent.
Eirbrony farmers are well known throughout Fälgorna for their fine wines and brandies. Other staple crops include apples, grapes, peaches, melony, wheat, oats, barley, and corn. The fishing industry predominates in the costal areas of the kingdom.
The wealth of Eirbrony citizenry is legendary. Merchants of Eirbron are renowned for their fine armor and military weaponry. The best swords and armor in Fälgorna are sure to be found in Verbronia, the capital city. Goldsmithing and Gemcutting is another area of expertise among Eirbrony craftsmen, but the craftsmen of Rush are held in higher esteem in this area.
A feudal hierarchy governs the kingdom. Advising the supreme ruler, the Ard Righ, is a council of three Barons, and a noble council consisting of the chieftains of each of the major clans of Eirbron (see clan tartans). The noble council meets once a year and in times of war to advise the Ard Righ on matters of state, both domestic and foreign. The council makes policy by majority vote. All council members are in theory equal to each other and the Ard Righ, but in fact, honor would forbid any chieftain from opposing the Ard Righ's will. The council of Barons is made up of the heads of the three most powerful Eirbrony clans. The Ard Righ seldom overrules the decisions of the noble council even though he has the power to do so.
Eirbron offers tribute to Lilnana as the patron deity of the nation. The worship of Lilnana is the official state religion. Eirbronians also worship other deities, notably, St. Cuthbert, St. Hubert, the Sea Gods, and the nature gods of the druids. Most religions are tolerated, and there are shrines and temples to many of the deities allied with Lilnana throughout the kingdom. The laws of Eirbron forbid the worship of evil deities, especially Bor. Worshipping evil deities is a crime punishable by death. In general the population of Eirbron tends towards Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, and True Neutral (especially among farmers) alignments.
Populating the Rone Hills are several thousand gnomes, ruled by the gnome king Grumoth Gromm the Trollslayer. The gnome king has sworn an oath of allegiance and aid to the Ard Righ, in times of trouble. Grumoth has the power of a Righ in the hierarchy of Eirbrony government, yet in the past 400 years he has used this power only once. He seldom attends noble council meetings, but corresponds with the Ard Righ frequently. The gnomes of the Rone Hills are divided into seven clans, each clan is in turn divided into several tribes. Noble gnomes (level 3+) carry iron rings, which when given as a gift can be used as a sigil of aid and safe passage through gnomish lands.
The majority of the elves living in the kingdom of Eirbron dwell in the Bramble Forest. Their leader Jevin-Ki believes that his people should not involve themselves in local human politics, therefore he has refused offers by 10 generations of Eirbrony Ard Righs to become a Baron. The elves never attend noble council meetings, and seldom associate with the local human populace. If a great threat should endanger Eirbron, despite their isolationism Jeven-Ki would offer aid to the Ard Righ.
Approximately 5,000 Gypsies wander the Verbroncy Plains throughout the year. The Gypsies are tolerated but are not well liked.
The regular armies of Eirbron consist of three legions of heavy foot (18,000), a legion of light foot (6,000), a legion of heavy cavalry (6,000), a legion and five cohorts of medium cavalry (9,000), five cohorts of light cavalry, five cohorts of heavy hobblers (3,000), a legion of archers (6,000), and five cohorts of pikers (3,000), various artillery and engineers, and the kings personal body guard the Fraternal Protective Order of Eagles (250 warriors of level 3+). In addition to these numbers 150,000 mixed troops can be enlisted from the noble houses and temples, and the guild of wizards can provide a unit of about 1,000 war wizards. The gnomes and elves will also provide troops to the Ard Righ if the need is great.
The Eirbrony navy is a powerful force in the Great North Coast Region. It consists of 320 miscellaneous warships, 560 galleys, and a force of 7,000 royal marines. Many of these ships are stationed in the Isles of Moncrieffe.
The Thorn Lands
More information on the Thorn Lands will be added soon.