
Rulers: The Most Holy Theocrat Xerox ron Nithgin (Priest of Elemental
Evil: 24); Count Hexweave Dagon (Anti-paladin: 9); High Priest
Menor Blan (Priest of Elemental Evil: 15); Bishop Shadrack Conoth
(Priest Iuz: 12); Henol Yafyr, High Sorceress (Conjurer: 17)
Capital: City of Five Gods (18,000); Major Cities: City of Fire (16,000), City of Water (9,000), City of Earth (6,000),
City of Air (2,500); Human Pop: 7,320,000; Demihumans: Some; Humanoids: Orcs (170,000), Goblins (80,000), Gnolls (20,000) Hobgoblins,
Ogres, Trolls, others
Resources: Opals, Fish
For many years the Theocrats of Eye have been an insignificant force in Fälgorna. Only recently a theocrat of great power has risen from the ranks of the warring factions who sought to rule the theocracy. He has ruthlessly seized control of the leadership of the theocracy and destroyed all who opposed him.
The new theocrat poses a grave threat to the nations surrounding the Barmouth Bay, especially the Tri-League Alliance. He has marshaled vast humanoid forces under the cursed banner of the eye and it is rumored that he receives direct aid from the Princes of Elemental Evil. The people of the theocracy are obedient to the whims of the hated theocrat. They fear him and believe that he has been chosen to rule by the Elemental Princes.
Despite a long term animosity between the Theocracy of the Eye and the wizards of the Erie of Bloodlock, it is believed that the new theocrat has managed to win the cautious support of the wizardly circle. Recently spies have reported the presence of an undetermined number of waspian troops in the service of the theocrat, adding credence to the possibility of an alliance.
Abuse of the land has left much of the theocracy as little more than wasteland. The few fertile regions that remain are farmed through slave labor to provision the large standing army. Several opal mines are also worked by slaves in the desolate wastelands. Approximately 60 percent of the theocracy's population is slaves, 30 percent serve the military, six percent are merchants and freemen, two percent are clergy, and one percent are nobles.
The cities of the theocracy are insane conglomerations of wildly painted and many-colored buildings. The bizarre architecture reflects the mental state of the city inhabitants. All forms of depravity are practiced by the demented and damned residents.
The armies of the Theocracy consist of cavalry (12,000), light foot (24,000), heavy foot (16,000), archers (16,000), artillerists (8,000), orcs (60,000), goblin worg cavalry (10,000), goblin foot (20,000), gnolls (10,000).
The navy consists of 107 warships, 73 large galleys, and 94 small galleys.