

Rulers: Caliph Ala'i Beni Jaroo (Ftr: 4th); Caliph Yusaf al Nizbeel (Mage:
9th); Caliph Najib ibn Diyab (Rng: 13th); Caliph Aziz al Karim
(Ftr: 9th); Caliph Essafah Beni Aajeen (Psi: 18th); Faridah Ben
Neez (female, Shar'ir : 24th)
Capital: Jaroo (30,000); Major Cities: Al-Karim (55,000), Aajeen (17,000), Nizbeel (10,000), Rijaan
(7,500), Bajihad (4,000), Casintoplia (2,000); Human Pop.: 5,250,000; Demihumans: Some; Humanoids: Some
Resources: Opals, Leather, Fabrics, Silk, Foodstuffs, Lumber
An oligarchy of five powerful caliphs rules the people of Fellnor. Each noble lord rules one fifth of the state. They have elected Caliph Ala'i Beni Jaroo as their leader because he is the weakest of the five nobles and easiest to control. Little open conflict exists between the caliphs but behind the scenes political power-plays and sometimes attacks as blunt as assassination attempts are all a part of the daily lives of the ruling caliphs as they vie for control of Fellnor. Despite the incessant internal strife they manage to keep the realm running smoothly.
Fellnor belongs to a shaky political alliance with Salen and Yart called the Tri-League Alliance. These realms are not always on friendly terms with each other but stand united against the power of the Theocracy of the Eye.
The culture of Fellnor mirrors the fantasy Arabian culture depicted in the Arabian Knights and other tales (see Al-Qadim campaign setting). Honor, family and religion are all important aspects of the Fellnorian life-style. The ways of the northern kingdoms are alien to the people of Fellnor and they do not easily accept strangers from these distant lands. One of the principle beliefs of these people is that fate plays a special role in the lives of all living creatures.
Most people in Fellnor believe that there is only one true god and that he is superior to all other "false" gods. Their religion mirrors the Islamic faith of Earth. One of the tenants of their religion is that nonbelievers should be converted willingly or by the sword. Often nonbelievers captured in battle are kept for a period of time (often their entire life) as slaves in order to be given ample opportunity to convert to the true faith.
Agriculture drives the economy of Fellnor. Fellnorian craftsmen are also known for their fine leatherwork, silks and fabrics. Opals and lumber are also exports.
The armies of Fellnor consist of cavalry (5,000), light foot (15,000), archers (10,000) and artillerists (2,000).The navy of Fellnor includes 70 warships, 27 large galleys and 42 small galleys.