- Oldanquasti or trade elves are the most frequently encountered
by the other races. Unlike their cousins, these elves are open
and friendly to most races. They feel entirely comfortable in
large cities and in the company of non-elves. They make it their
business to be familiar with the customs of other races and often
study etiquette.
Oldanquasti priestess
- Despite their outward demeanor, trade elves are sly and untrustworthy.
They will take an unwary customer for everything he has, given
the opportunity. Oldanquasti are master craftsmen, but despite
this ability they often sell inferior goods.
- Oldanquasti are of slight build and fair complexion. Their hair
ranges in color from blonde, the most common, to silver, and rarely,
white. Common eye colors include copper, silver and gold. They
have 60' infravision. Oldanquasti favor glamorous dress and adornment.
There life span is relatively short, about 900 years.
- The trade elves have few real settlements of their own, preferring
to travel form city to city in loose family bands or in pairs.
Few outside the Oldanquasti truly understand their way of life,
but despite the fact that their population is scattered throughout
the continent they have managed to maintain a distinct culture,
replete with traditions and unique customs. Legends tell of secret
grand conclaves of the nomadic families of the Oldanquasti where
they select their king and queen. The roving life-style of the
elves tends to foster Chaotic alignments. However, PC Oldanquasti
may be of any alignment.
- All Oldanquasti gain bonus nonweapon skills in a craft of their
choice and in Haggling. Oldanquasti that pick Gem Cutting as a
skill gain a +10% bonus to their skill check. They do not, however,
have the ability to move silently or unseen in woodland surroundings
like other elves, but may use this ability to move unseen and
silent through cities and other large settlements. They have all
other special abilities common to elves in general.
- Oldanquasti speak their own language, Common Elf, and the Trade
Tongue. They may spend skill points to learn any human language,
Dwarf, Gnome, Halfling, Orc, Hobgoblin, Kobold, Goblin or Uldra.
- Oldanquasti receive a +2 bonus to Charisma and +1 to Dexterity.
Their Strength is penalized by -1 and their Constitution by -2.
- Oldanquasti elves require five percent more experience points
to advance in level.