- The noble Paladian elves lead a much different life than most
of their elfin cousins. The white elves are more serious and ordered,
fraught with honor, pride and dignity.
Paladian warrior-mage
- Paladian elves are taller than most races, averaging about 6'5"
tall. They have ivory white skin. Their hair is usually blonde,
white or silver. Their slanted eyes are most often mist blue,
but green eyes have been seen among noble Paladians. They have
60' infravision. White silken garments trimmed with gold, silver
or red are popular among these elves. Their cloaks are often red,
blue, purple or emerald. Most Paladians wear several pieces of
jewelry. On the average, Paladian elves live to 1,600.
- The Paladian civilization has evolved to a point well beyond even
the most "civilized" of human cultures. These elves show great
appreciation for the fine arts. Paladian artists often dedicate
their entire life to completing a single great painting or poem,
the expression of which can only be properly understood by another
elf or equally long-lived creature. Human art is considered barbaric
at worst and at best compares to the art of elfin children.
- Military combat and strategy are considered two of the greatest
expressions of art in the Paladian civilization. Many great military
leaders have risen to power among the white elves and they have
often joined sides with other races fighting on the side of good
in historical battles with opposing evil forces. In these cases,
superior Paladian battle strategy and logic has many times resulted
in victory for the cause of good.
- Paladian elves live predominantly in the hill country of Paladondia and in the Täghorn Empire. There are also scattered settlements
of Paladian elves throughout the continent, though they all give
tribute to their queen in Paladondia or the emperor in Täghorn.
- White elves originating in the Täghorn Empire are oriental in
nature and must take an oriental character kit. Paladian elves
from Paladondia select kits normally.
- Paladian elves have all the standard racial abilities that elves
share in common. In addition, all Paladian elves are ambidextrous.
Paladian elves also gain an additional bonus nonweapon skill in
one of the following areas: Acting, Artistic Ability, Dancing,
Musical Instrument, Poetry, Singing, or a craft. Paladian elves
are often skilled in Reading/Writing, Heraldry, Etiquette and
other liberal arts and add these three skills to the list of recommended
nonweapon skills for their kit regardless of the skills normally
listed as recommended.
- Paladian elves tend toward Lawful Good alignment. However, PC's
may be of any alignment. Paladian elves of good alignment can
detect evil in a 30' radius one time per day per level when concentrating
for one round, and gain a +1 bonus to hit and damage when fighting
known evil creatures (Known evil creatures include only those
that have been successfully detected as evil after one round of
concentration. Note, the elf must detect the evil personally to
gain the bonus which is applied to reflect the surge of adrenaline,
as well as the loathing he feels upon detecting the evil creature.)
Paladian priests of good alignment gain a +1 bonus to their roll
when attempting to turn undead.
- Paladian elves are able to communicate with pegasi by spending
nonweapon skill points. They may also learn the languages of Common
Elfin, any other elfin subrace, Dwarven, Gnomish, Halfling, Uldra,
Trade Tongue, Orcish, Hobgoblin, and Goblin.
- Paladian elves receive a +1 bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and
Charisma. They also receive a +10% bonus to sanity. However, Paladian
are on average more frail than their human counterparts and their
initial Constitution is penalized by -1. Their focus on the military
arts over the academic and their tendency to categorize morality
into simple black and white categories result in a -1 penalty
to Intelligence and a -1 penalty to Wisdom.
- However, unlike many other races, the Paladian have learned through
hard work to overcome their racial weaknesses. Therefore Paladian
racial ability score maximums for Constitution, Intelligence,
Wisdom and Ego are greater than the maximum ability score a Paladian
character could have at first level. Through training or because
of the effects of age (for Intelligence and Wisdom) these abilities
can be increased to the racial maximums.
- Paladian elves need 20 percent additional experience points to
advance a level.