

Rulers: Arrok the Demon Lord (anti-paladin: 40th, assassin: 14th, mage:
25th, priest: 20th); Grand Marshall Denthan (anti-paladin: 30th);
General Quazol (anti-paladin: 27th); General Mos (ftr: 27th);
General Zisha (anti-paladin: 24th); General Carmen-Roth (ftr:
23rd); General Hessen (anti-paladin: 22nd); Arch Mage Iiasaaz
Forline (Lich: 24th mage)
Capital: Citadel of Evil (120,000); Major Cities: Skulls Tower (30,000), Darken Keep (15,000), Camp Bonefield (5,000)
Human Population: 4,250,000; Demihumans: Many (Slaves); Humanoids: Orcs (3,000,000), Hobgoblins (1,500,000), Gnolls (800,000), Goblins
(500,000), Ogres (200,000), Giants, Kobolds, Trolls, Many others
Resources: Iron, Silver
The burnt and ruined lands of Garon-Bor are more like a huge war camp than a nation. Active volcanoes, strip mines, barren canyons and tar pits dot the barren land. Fresh water and pure food are rare commodities here and wild game is almost unheard of.
The Demon Lord Arrok has been massing a great army of humanoids and barbarians for the purpose of eventually conquering the entire world. He rules his armies from his massive keep, the Citadel of Evil. His subjects fear him and revere him as a god (in fact he is much more powerful than several demigods). His elite guards, the Knights of the Onyx Horns, enforce his will throughout his domain, serving as both disciplinarians and officers in his massive army.
The "cities" of Garon-Bor are actually massive fortresses of insane design and impossible construction. The streets team with troops and the many dregs of society which serve them. A continual flow of slaves march from their pens within the cities to the mines and quarries where they labor to supply the Demon Lord with iron, silver and stone to forge weapons, pay troops and build strongholds.
Smaller village keeps dot the land providing protection for the valuable iron and silver mines located throughout Garon-Bor. These village keeps are slightly more habitable than the large cities.
A large supply of food and water has to be gathered each day to support the military and slave population of Garon-Bor. These supplies are gathered through raids on bordering lands and unfortunate caravans. Famine is a common problem in the realm, but Arrok perceives it as a tool for weeding out the weaker members of the society and insurance that those who remain are the most ruthless.
Lord Arrok has signed a blood pact with the God Bor. In return for his soul he has been promised demigod status upon his death.
The armies of Garon-Bor are expanding rapidly. The most recent estimates put its size at 650,000. Approximately 1,500,000 slaves of all races are kept captive in Garon-Bor.