
January 12, 2004
Well, it will take a while because the site is so large, but I promise everything will be updated soon. I recently did some work on the Kingdoms of the Realm pages, adding several crests and updating kingdom descriptions. Also, I've added a map of Odbanwyll, the home of Silver Brooch, and an introduction to what should be a very long piece on the Hestlegartle Dwarves. |
November 19, 2003
Yes, I know, it's been forever since I last updated the site. Well just for fun I've added a page of netbooks. But more importantly, I'll soon be releasing another Eirbrony Erudition featuring the Hestlegartle Dwarves. You can also look forward to some necromancer kits. I'll get them up when I can. |
July 9, 2002
Added the rhabdomancer wizard class and the School of Rhabdomancy spells. |
July 8, 2002
I recently expanded the new section on wizards, to include sea wizards and frost wizards. There's also several new pages of spells of the School of Sea Magic, please take a look now and come back later to see more. |
?-June 28, 2002
I haven't had a lot of time to update the site, but still, you'll find several new pages in the wizard section. I promise, more soon. There should be another Eirbrony Erudition out in July also. |
Feb. 9, 2002
I fixed several broken navigation links and did some general touch-ups in the character class and kit section. Also, I added wizard specialists for schools of philosophy. |
Feb. 7, 2002
I've added information about the various wizardly schools of magic. Specialist wizards are next. |
Feb. 4, 2002
As usual, I'm lax in updating this page. I guess I'd just like you to look around the site and discover what's new, but for those of you who don't have the time ... here it is.
I recently began adding material about the wizard character class. I've started with a basic introduction and the mage class, but soon you'll see specialist wizards galore and many, many kits. Included will be kits adapted from the Al-Qadim setting's Sha'ir's Handbook, adaptations of D&D 3E prestige classes, necromancers and adaptations of kits I've found on the Internet.
I'm also planning to add a netbook download section. However, since I only plan to put what I consider quality netbooks on the site. This may take a little time. I plan to save any netbook as an Adobe Acrobat file so all of you can view them properly. If you happen to have a netbook you'd like to contribute send me an e-mail and describe it to me (briefly) before submitting it.
Nov. 10, 2001
O.K., I admit it. I'm terrible about updating this page. However, there have been many addditions to the site since August (go figure). For starters, check out the latest edition of my ezine, the Eirbrony Erudition. Inside you find a detailing of the priesthood of the Queen of the Dead; the witch kit and spells and a great short story about a midnight meeting in a cemetery. I've updated all the character sheets and added some psionic attack and defense cards, there's new art by Jason Bovee, new character portraits, new poetry, some new monsters and a lot of little things. I'll soon be adding more information about priests and druids. |
Aug. 30, 2001
Well, to start, I've seriously neglected this page over the past few months! However, there have been many new additions. Make sure to check out the gladiator class and the kits for it; paladins or holy warriors for every alignment; a new section on special abilities, idiosyncracies and character background; great new Dungeons and Dragons products, wizard and dragon sculptures, videos and other good stuff at Zayix's Fantasy Store; new monsters the ice roper and desert zombie; and many more additions to numerous to list.
I'm also proud to boast the site has one the RPG Host Award of Excellence! Thanks for all your support.
Feb. 28, 2001
I redid the front page and added several items to the kits and class section. I'm slowly working my way through the whole site, adding illuminated Celtic borders and generally sprucing up the archives. |
February 2001
I've been spending untold hours trying to make this site look better. I hope you all appreciate the effort :) |
Jan. 23, 2001
Neglect has proven the watchword for this page. It's not that nothing new has found its way onto the site. On the contrary, there have been quite a few additions. I'd suggest you start with the thief class, kits and skills in the character creation section. There is also a new priest kit, and lots of new deities. And, of course, there's the new look of the site. It will get better still... |
Oct. 1, 2000
I've added scads of new stuff over the past two weeks, most of it in the character creation section. The deities list is nearly complete. But, I've added a lot more in the skills (proficiency) section. Skills really help round out your Dungeons and Dragons characters. There are now craft skills, mental skills, physical skills, mental physical skills, and fighting styles listed. This area is still under severe construction, so bear with me while I finish it up. Also, there's been a request for more spells ... well it'll come, just as soon as I can do it. |
Sept. 14, 2000
I'm still working on those gosh dern deities. The rest will be posted soon ... many have appeared throughout the week. But, I must admit, I've been sidetracked by the enthusiasm of some visitors for the .pdf (Adobe Acrobat) character sheet. Well, I'm here to serve. So, I've added some nifty spellbooks and prayerbooks for your mages and priests complete with a choice of covers (for the wizard spellbook). I've also broken up the character sheet into multiple files (so you don't have to wait for the whole thing to download to get one page). And, I promise more to come.
Please Keep Voting for this Site! Thanks!
Sept. 7, 2000
Well now, there's been a lot done, but most you won't notice unless you're really paying attention. I've been adding descriptions of the gods and goddesses of Fälgorna all week. Those of you who were really paying attention may have noted a few minor name changes and (gods!) a few sex changes too. Just write it up to the whim of Zayix (or poor typing skills). You can take a look at this material in the Immortal Powers section of the Character Creation area. This information is also cross-referenced in the Gods section of Lands & Lore.
Among the minor changes is a nice update to the Elven-English glossary in the Lost Lore section of Lands & Lore. I think it will make navigation on that page a lot easier.
Stay tuned for many more updates to the Gods section and keep your eyes open for some older Dragon Magazines and out-of-print modules that will soon be listed in Zayix's Fantasy Store.
And, last, but not least. Thanks for all your votes. It's people like you that make this site worth doing. Zayix's Falgorna Archives has been listed in the TOP 10 of the RPG 100! It's one of only a handful of top ranked sites dedicated to a Dungeons and Dragons world. Please keep voting! Thanks again. |
Aug. 30, 2000
Those of you who are quick may have noticed I posted the first few pages in the immortal powers and gods sections of the archives. Those of you who didn't, no worries, it's not done yet. But, I've got enough up to make it worth your while to look. So, now is your chance to learn something about the deities of Fälgorna. It'll probably take a week or more before I get everything up. |
Aug. 6, 2000
I've begun a major upgrade of the entire site. There are still a lot of kinks that need to be worked out ... especially the cross-platform compatibility. This site was created using a Mac and is best viewed at 600x800 resolution on Internet Explorer 5.0. If the text seems to big or small, please adjust the size using your browser. I promise, soon, you won't have to worry about this kind of irritation. Zayix |
