AD&D 2nd edition: Lands and Lore of the Falgorna campaign setting: Kingdoms of the Realm: Kingdoms of the Realm

Lands & Lore



Kingdoms of the Realm
The Core Realms
The lands of Fälgorna are vast, but these regions have received the most attention in recent years. These regions make a good starting point for exploration of Fälgorna.
Eirbron Kent Paladondia
Thorn Lands
Other Kingdoms
Below, descriptions of some of the other kingdoms which have proven worthy for exploraiton are listed. However, not all the kingdoms of the land have been inscribed in the great encyclopedia of the lands. Even now, scribes are working frantically to get these missing links bound into this great work.
Are Arda Gabilgathol (dwarves) Ravencraft
Arken Garin Realmé
Bandoran  Garon-Bor Redrake Isle
Barbarian territories Hestlegartle (dwarves) Roland, Empire of
Barony by the Sea Het (dwarves) Rush, Citystate of
Bartravia Krakeland Salen
Bloodlock, the Eire of Iré Täghorn (elves)
Carthenbürg Isle of the Brothers Tartony
Carthonia Keto Thorn, the Free City of
Circle of Iron Lorence Tumanzahar (dwarves)
Coltus, the Isle of Mare, the Barony of Urssia
Cylene, Republic of Moraxia Uther
Dolan Nyfor Vostead
Dzargritin (dwarves) Orange Wilnöven
Ether Pantaerian Islands Yart
Eye, Theocracy of the Pel Zlbregrunt (dwarves)
Fellnor Petty Kingdoms Zorgos


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