- In the beginning a sea of liquid darkness filled the great sphere
of the universe. Floating alone in this sphere, god slept. God
slept for an eternity before he began to dream and when he dreamed
the creatures of his dream became real. The elder god, Javana,
dreamed of the new gods of the universe, the gods of good, evil
and balance. After many eons the gods sought to escape into the
sea of darkness to forge their own dreams their own worlds.
- The first god to emerge, Omega, god of light and goodness, pulled
himself out of the outstretched right palm of Javana. His birth,
in a blinding flash of light, dispelled the eternal darkness.
Triumphant in his new identity, he began to create the planets
and the stars. Yet, before he could complete his task, the god
Bor ripped forth from the left palm of Javana.
- Bor was a god of darkness and evil. He hated the light and despised
the creations of his brother Omega. Taking Omega by surprise he
corrupted his creations. He forced light back into the void and
darkness rushed to refill the empty spaces around Omegas creations.
He created the dragon gods and the gods of goblin and giantkind,
who set to work immediately filling the worlds that Omega had
created with foul creatures goblins, orcs, giants, dragons and
others better left unnamed.
- Omega countered by creating dragon gods of his own and the gods
of elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, uldras and all the other
creatures of goodness and soft heart. These gods created the old
races with great care. These gods took great care in molding their
creations to make them beacons of beauty and light care not
taken by their dark brethren. The beauty of these new creatures
birthed hatred and jealousy in the hearts of the spawn of evil
and they immediately assailed them.
- Seeing the counterattack of Omega, Bor cursed all creation with
death, disease and destruction and created gods to carry out his
fowl pronouncement. The new gods were very powerful and carried
out his will exactingly, bringing death, disease and destruction
to the forces of good as well as to the forces of evil. The creations
of evil were not well constructed and succumbed to the power of
death sooner than the forces of good, but the forces of evil spawned
in legion and far outnumbered the children of light.
- The war between the brother gods raged for eons. The opposing
forces met like great waves of water, crashing together without
cessation, but neither overpowering the other. At times one wave
waxed stronger, but never for long.
- Waiting within the dream of Javana Equilbrium garnished his power
while he watched his brothers fight from his place behind the
eyes of the sleeping god. He saw much merit in the creations of
both his brothers, especially the creations of light and darkness,
and life and death. While his brother's only saw opposition in
his opponent's creations, Equilbrium saw pattern a great weave
where thread of light thread relied on a contrasting thread of
darkness to bind it in place and bring color to the whole.
- Equilbrium decided he must ensure that each of his brothers' creations
continued and so, choosing the color of gray for his robes, a
mixture of his brothers' colors, he rose from the elder gods
mouth and siphoned of the good and evil power following from the
great maw.
- Equilbrium, created the gods of nature, who in turn created the
seasons and weather. He created time, an element that worked equally
for and against the opposing sides. They created all forms of
plants and animals to populate the worlds created by his brothers.
These creations swore allegiance to neither side and by both sides
were they used.
- He then created the gods of humankind. They gave man a free will
to choose between good and evil, to set the course of his own
destiny. They also gifted humankind with adaptability so that
he could adjust to whatever way of life he chose.
- Enraged by their new brothers interference in their conflict
Bor and Omega attacked him in unison. Their attacks only made
Equilbrium stronger, since he drew power from good and evil equally.
Seeing the futility of their efforts the brothers agreed to stop
fighting for a thousand years so that they might establish rules
for their conflict.
- The three brothers agreed. Equilbrium would judge their conflict,
for he could not be destroyed by force. Bor and Omega did, however,
find that the gray god could be influenced. Thus good sometimes
outweighs evil and evil sometimes outweighs good. The three established
law and chaos as a way to further balance the forces of good and
evil, and to add chance to the universemaking it predictable
on one hand and unpredictable in the other. When the thousand
year cessation drew to a close, Equilbrium journeyed to the center
of the universe, lifted his staff above his head and summoned
the Other.
- No one knows from where the Other came, but it came as if from
- To you shall be consigned destiny the beginning and the end,
Equilbrium commanded it.
- He then touched the Other with his staff and transformed it into
a crimson, crystal bell.
- Speaking again, he said, When you feel strikes thrice come the
time of Angol, to the one who sleeps you go to awake. And, the
beginning will be the end and the end the beginning. Go forth
now! Hide yourself the time of Angol need not come soon.
- Equilbrium then handed a crimson mallet to Omega and said With
this the bell you may strike.
- To Bor, he gave a crimson clapper and said, Without this the
bell may never ring.
- After entrusting the mallet to Omega and the clapper to Bor, Equilbrium
planted his staff at the center of the universe and from it erupted
the Tower of the Scales.
- Here we shall decide our differences. Here there shall be no
good and there shall be no evil. Here only balance reigns, Equilbrium
- Then touching the heads of Bor and Omega he pronounced one final
rule, Brothers, you shall no longer be permitted to interfere
directly in the lives of your creations, they are granted free
will. You may no longer journey to the homes of your creatures
in your true forms, for your presence will destroy their will.
I have spoken, now go.
- Thus the universe was created; thus it is written,

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