
- Equilibrium created the first deities of humanity, the elemental and natural powers, and gave them free will to chose the path (alignment) they would take. These first gods and goddesses are all greater powers and are the forbearers of nearly all the other deities of the human pantheon.
- It should be noted, the deities are listed by the names they use among the Arrakian people of Fälgorna. This Celtic-like race predominates in the areas of the continent where most adventurers are likely to travel. Among the Juad, Fälgornian, Balishe and others they adopt names and avatars more suited to these cultures: Norse-like names and appearances among the Juad, African or Native American among the Fälgornian, Oriental among the Balishe, etc. Yet, they are still the same deities. There are not different pantheons for each human culture, only different perceptions of the one pantheon of deities.
- It should also be noted, that while I have made an attempt to model the pantheon loosely on a Celtic foundation, many of the deities names and likenesses will be found nowhere in the myths of the Irish, Welsh or other Celtic peoples. The pantheon as a whole, however, does act and is motivated by many of the same desires as the gods and goddesses of Celtic myth. They maintain a clan structure headed by Dagda and are prone to warfare, great personal pride and storytelling. However, influences of many cultures, both real and fantasy play into the way the gods and goddesses interact with the world. To understand the pantheon more clearly, I invite you to read the stories of the deities and their champions as they are posted on this site and in forthcoming editions of the Eirbrony Erudition Ezine.

Greater god of leadership, the dozen king, chieftain of the gods (N)

Greater god of the sea and water (CN) |

Greater god of time, prophecy and the will (LN) |

Greater god of violent death, murder and the undead (NE) |

Greater god of the air and winds (CN) |

Greater goddess of Fire (CN) |

Greater goddess of the earth and nature (N) |

Greater goddesses of fate, fortune and mystery - Trinitary deity (N) |

Greater goddess of motherhood, marriage and fertility (NG) |

Greater goddess of magic (LN) |